Chapter Twelve

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"Come out a let us see" Alice's high-pitched voice floated through the door of the dressing room. My feet didn't move, however. I didn't want to give her immediate satisfaction. The mirror in front of me showed the disdained look well. A pastel pink dress hung just above my knee with thin straps that went over my shoulders and crisscrossed along my exposed back. It was a straight bodice that flared at the hips. A delicate lace detail covered the dress

It was gorgeous, and I hated the fact that I loved it. Don't get me wrong I love wearing dresses, and despite the unbelievably high price tag, it was something I could see myself wearing. While pink would not always be the first color I would pick, it often washed out my skin, this dress somehow added color back to my skin. I couldn't help but feel a smile grace my lips despite my better judgment.

"If you don't come out now, we will come in." Alice's voice spoke again, and I felt my face fall into a scowl once more. The memory of how I ended up in this dress flashed into my brain. I had woken up this morning with the same plan I had every other day. Eat breakfast and then escape into the woods surrounding the house. Then as I went to exit the room, I was staying in I was ambushed by an eager Alice with Rosalie in tow. I was basically dragged out of the house and thrown in the back of a red convertible as I yelled objections. I swear I heard Emmett's booming laughter as we drove away.

Now here I stand grumpily in a dressing room wearing a gorgeous dress and being treated like a doll. Mom never mentioned this part when she told stories of Alice's obsession with fashion. Begrudgingly I made my way to the dressing room door, undid the lock, and opened it just enough so that they could see. Alice's eyes lit up at the sight, and I couldn't help but notice the delicate smile that graced Rosalie's lips before it disappeared once again.

"You look so pretty!" Alice bound towards me as if to envelope me in a hug.

"It's ridiculously expensive," I reply to deflect the compliment. Rosalie released an exaggerated sigh and rolled her eyes.

"Price isn't an issue" She reminded me for what was probably the twentieth time. I turned my attention to her.

"I don't need any new clothes," I repeated like a broken record. I had told them this as we were leaving the house, as we were driving to the mall, once we entered the mall, and again when they had shoved me into a dressing room with them taking turns guarding me, so I don't run away, and going to collect clothes they wanted to see me in. This earned another sigh from both this time.

"You own two pairs of pants." Alice reminds me as if I don't remember what my own wardrobe consists of. "Trust me, you need new clothes." Alice has made it very clear how much she distains my small wardrobe ever since she caught me wearing the same outfit twice in one week. Apparently, Alice rarely ever wears an outfit more than once.

"If your issue is the pants, we can just go get pants." I tried to bargain. I felt out of place here, in a crowded shopping mall, standing next to the two most beautiful women I have ever seen. It was the same feeling I always had in Forks. Other than when I was with my mom, and Grandpa Charlie I have always felt out of place. At home I could always just attribute it to being the child of a teenage pregnancy out of wedlock in a small town, here I don't have an excuse, and that almost makes it worse.

"We are buying you new clothes, now accept the gift and go try this on," Rosalie says to me passing me a random hanger from the piles around her. Defeated I snatched the piece of clothing from her and went back into the dressing room. Slipping off the pink dress I carefully placed it back onto the hanger and placed it in the keep pile.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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