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It was the night before her wedding when Y/n decided to kill her family.

And her fiancé's family.

And her fiancé.

I wasn't something she made up on the spot, of course. Plans like this take years of preparation, she just decided that tonight would be the night. It was the last night of happiness, might as well make it the first night of freedom too.

"Y/n!" The all too familiar scolding voice of her mother called her. When she noticed that her daughter had not yet dressed, she hurried over to the dresser and grabbed the dress laid out over it, "what are you doing, girl? The dinner is almost ready; James is already downstairs waiting!"

Y/n didn't offer an apology: why should she? Her parents are constantly trying to marry her off, and in true Turner family style, she had no say in the matter. Night after night, she was subjected to constant judgement, her mother's constant meddling and men, most of whom she would not touch with a six-foot pole, trying to state their case to her reproachful father on why she should become his wife. Most of them are either killed, kidnapped or scared off by now, but y/n's father has taken a liking to James, and tomorrow Y/n will be married to him.

Y/n remained silent as her mother fussed around her, only protesting a little when she pulled the corset too tight. But she knew it was all futile, she would never listen to her daughter; all the reason to kill her.


The banquet was going well; James' family seemed impressed by her father; and her mother stopped with the sly comments, which was a first. Everyone except for Y/n was drunk: that was the plan,

"I would like to make a toast" She stood up, banging her knife onto the champagne glass. Nobody took no notice; they were too drunk to care. So, she took her earphones from her pocket, placed them in her ears and began to sing.

It was no secret that Y/n was a freak anomaly; she had been made aware of that fact all her life. She was one of the 43 children born on the 1st of October 1989, and her birth had already caused complications. She was born to her father's mistress, and while insisting she had not been pregnant when the day began, her mother was in such a rage that she ordered the woman to be killed and to keep the child for herself. A few days after her birth, a man by the name of Reginald Hargreeves came to the house and offered to buy her. Her mother and father refused his offers and continued to raise her as their own. At the age of two , Y/n's power started to show, when she sang nursery rhymes with her nanny and accidentally hypnotised her to fall down the stairs. Since then, her family had realised her potential and trained her to be a vicious killing machine. She became known as 'The Siren', a ruthless assassin that killed people with the sound of her voice. She served her parents as their most prized hitman; until tonight.

The deaths were quick and painless. Y/n looked at their lifeless bodies and felt the urge to weep, but there was no time to mourn. She had to act, and fast.

Stick to the plan.

Take no risks.

Kill anyone who stood in the way.

She's a lady - Ben Hargreeves x reader BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now