Chapter one ~ the arrival

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"Dad always warned me not to go too far into the future. On account, my jumps only working in one-" Five was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. He sighs, in defeat, "Luther could you get that? The grown-ups are talking."

Luther began to protest but faltered after he saw the looks from his siblings. He stood up and headed to the door, grumbling something about being bossed around by someone still wearing knee socks. He figured he should be the one to answer the door anyway; he was the leader after all: he was expected to answer for the family. What he did not expect, however, was to have a knife held to his throat by a girl in a blood-stained ballgown,

"Let me in."


"So let's get this over with," The family have moved to the living room, with Diego pacing up and down, the rest of the family crammed on the sofa (with Luther the furthest away from Y/n out of fear of getting stabbed) and Y/n sat on the sofa opposite, "who are you and why the fuck are you in our house?"

"Okay fine," Y/n stood up, double checking if she had left blood stains on the expensive piece of furniture, "I'm Y/n Turner, and I'm your sister."

The room was in temporary shock: you could feel the tension in the room.

"That's not...possible. How are- How?" Alison was the first to speak. Y/n rolled her eyes and cleared her throat,

"On the first day of October 1984, forty-three women around the world simultaneously gave birth. None of the women showed any prior signs of pregnancy." She waited to register the looks on their faces, but when they all had the same confused and blank expression, she sighed again, "I was also born on that day which means, I'm one of you."

The stunned silence carried on for what felt like years before Five stood up to face her, pastrami sandwich still in hand,

"Well if, and that's huge if, you are who you say you are, why did you come here now? Why not find us as a kid?"

"Because my parents used me for my powers and basically kept me sheltered for all my life."

"And where are your parents now?" Diego asked. She looked down at her dress and back up at him,

"Uh, doesn't matter." She turned her attention back to the rest of the group, "look, all I'm asking is that I stay with you for a few days, I don't know if I can go back home."

Viktor looked at her with sympathy, while Diego and the rest of the group turned to each other.

"Give us a minute." Luther, still refusing to look at her, led the group away. Apart from Klaus however, who ran up to engulf her in a hug, exclaiming,

"Welcome to the family, you'll fit right in!"


"We can't just leave her! She's one of us!"

"She is not one of us!" Diego seemed adamant, "and, she's a Turner, they're one of the largest crime families around here. I don't trust her and you shouldn't either!"

"But that doesn't mean she's necessarily awful!" Alison interrupted her brother, "we, of all people, should know not to judge people based on who their father is."

"But, what if she causes issues? We don't need the mafia at our door with all the other crazy shit about to happen." Five had somehow not finished his sandwich and was waving it around passionately, not noticing the ingredients flying out of it.

"She's pretty, Klaus."

"Ben I swear if you don't keep it in your pants-" Klaus yelled towards the doorway, to the confusion of his siblings. 

"Wait, Ben's here?" Luther looked up. 

"Yes, he's always been here, you should know this, keep up Luther." 

"Anyway," Alison quickly changed the conversation, "All in favour of letting Y/n stay with us say I."

"I." Viktor. 

"I." Luther. 

"I." Klaus. 

"I." Alison. 

"I." Five. 

"There we go then. Diego, you are outnumbered." Luther looked at his now irritated brother, "Let's go welcome her into the family." The rest of them followed Luther back into the living room, leaving Diego alone in the hallway, 

"Okay fine, but just don't be surprised when she stabs you all in the back."


"Well?" Y/n stood up as she saw Luther walk back towards her. 

"Welcome home, sis."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2022 ⏰

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