♡~° 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐔 °~♡

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INFO: Schlatt is a rich business man and Quackity is a baker. Schlatt decides to stop by at a cafe for some coffee, where both meet and are fond of each other.

TYPE: fluff ☁️

"Look, I need those papers by tomorrow or we're in big trouble. Do you understand?!"

"Yes sir!"

   I sighed slowly. I ended the call and set my phone down on my desk. These workers slack off more and more, they're useless!

   I needed a break from this.

   I picked my phone back up and searched for a place where I could eat.

   After searching for a couple of minutes, my eyes caught a glimpse of a bakery I've never been to.

'Quackity's Bakery'

   What an odd name.

   I checked at what time they would close.

7:30 PM.

   After checking, I noticed I still had enough time to go and check out the bakery. Luckily, it wasn't too far either.

   I turned my phone off and placed it inside my pocket carefully. I got up from my desk and went over to grab my jacket and keys, then proceeded towards the door.

"Come again soon!"

   I looked down at the display cases and noticed it was time for another refill.

"Karl, could you bring out another batch of cupcakes?" I yelled out.

"On it!" He responded.

   I looked over at the clock and noticed it was only 5:40 PM. I let out a small sigh. All this working was getting tiring.

"Uhm, Alex? Could you help me out with this batch?"

"I'm coming!"

   I quickly went to the back to help Karl with the batch of cupcakes. While doing so, I heard the bell ring, indicating someone came inside the bakery.

"Could you go deal with that Karl? I think I've got this."

"Sure thing."

   Karl went over to the front and helped the other customer while I got the batch of cupcakes out.

"Well we have coffee, cupcakes, cakes, and bread!" Karl spoke excitedly.

"I think I'll just take a cup of coffee for now. Extra creamer in there."

"Alright then Mr. Businessman."

   I heard Karl talking with the customer and decided to see what all the commotion was all about.

   I walked out from the back and that's when I noticed him.

   I paused at the sight. He looked so fascinating.

   I felt myself getting a little warm.


"Alex? You there?" Karl was trying to get my attention.

   I blinked after escaping my trance.

"You zoned out and dropped the batch of cupcakes."

   I looked down and he was right. I dropped the entire tray filled with it.

"He looks quite tired, you think he's okay?" The customer asked.

   Karl looked over at him before answering him.

"He's usually like this when he finds someone attract-"

   I quickly covered Karl's mouth before he finished his sentence.

"Give us a moment please." I replied.

   The businessman only nodded in agreement.

   I just wanted a cup of coffee.

   I tried brushing it off but something about that one worker with the beanie is kind of suspicious.

   He cut off his workers words before he could even finish which was odd enough for me.


"Karl. How many times do I have to tell you not to blurt things out like that!?"

"It's not my fault you found him attractive!"

   It seemed like they weren't the best at whispering.

"I can still hear you!" I called out.

   Both went silent but ending up coming back up at the front counter.


"So uh.. could I get my coffee now..?" I asked.

"Oh yes! Sorry about the wait and what you had to hear.. heh."

"It's no biggie. I get a lot of compliments because of my features." I replied back.

"Oh really? Well I think your horns are quite cool! Especially the patterns on them."

"Thanks I guess."


"Y'know, this cafe isn't so bad. Maybe I'll visit more in the future."

"Awe, thank you! That means a lot for us."

   The brown fluffy haired worker passed me my coffee after getting it prepared.

"I never got your name, what is it?" The black haired worker asked unexpectedly.

   Before I replied back, I took a sip of my coffee.

"My name is Jonathan, but people refer to me as Schlatt."


"The total is $2.29!" The brown haired worker budged in.

   I searched through my pocket and gave the needed amount, along with tipping $25.

   I headed towards the door with my cup of coffee before they called out.

"Thank you for coming!"
End! I enjoyed how this turned out rather than my story fanfics.

   And as stated previously, if you have any one-shot ideas, I recommend commenting them. If I do end up using your idea, I'll be sure to credit you for the idea.


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