♡~° 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝗼𝐮𝐬𝐲 °~♡

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INFO: Schlatt and Quackity went to a bar with a couple of friends to have some drinks. Schlatt is approached by a woman who works as a bartender and flirts with him, which makes Quackity jealous.

TYPE: fluff ☁️

I quickly went outside and waited for Schlatt to arrive. Schlatt and I had made plans a while ago to hangout with a few friends to get a couple drinks tonight.


"Pumpkin! I'm here!"

   I jumped at the sudden voice as it was unexpected. This was also only one of the few times Schlatt had used that nickname before, which always gave me butterflies.

"Let me lock the door first!" I called out.

After locking the door behind me, I went towards Schlatt and gave him a bear hug.

"What's this for?" He questioned.

"Just trying to be more affectionate."

He nodded before he had started signaling me to enter his car.

I always got excited entering Schlatt's car as it was more of a luxury car. He was fairly rich but wasn't always bragging about it like what most other people do.
   After leaving the car in the parking lot and approaching the bar, the music was already loud enough to hear from outside.

   I nudged Schlatt to open the door as it was getting cold.

   I walked inside and was confronted by a large gust of warm air. It felt welcoming, even though it was still loud inside.

   Schlatt started walking past me and headed towards his friends sitting and waiting at the bar, Charlie and Ted.

"Hey man!"

"Schlatt! Finally, jeez man." Ted responded.

   Ted looked past Schlatt and faced towards me.

"Oh, you brought Alex? I didn't know he was into partying."

"I was originally going to invite Connor but then he ended up getting busy." He replied.

   I decided to take a seat beside Schlatt as they had continued on with their conversation.

   I kind of had started getting bored just listening to every single little thing, but luckily, the drinks were keeping me up.


"Hey Alex, you doing okay?"

   I looked towards the direction I heard my name and saw Schlatt staring at me. It seemed a little sudden, which made me a little confused.

"You okay?" He repeated.

"I'm fine, just a little tired."

   He nodded and afterwards asked the bartender for another drink.

   She poured a glass of whiskey and handed it to him with a wink.

   I looked back at Schlatt and noticed he had a confused but somewhat of an uncomfortable look that he gave back at her.

   It kinda made me a little annoyed, but somehow Charlie and Ted were completely clueless.

"Hey~ you doing anything tonight big guy?"

   She tried starting up a conversation with him, even though he wasn't up for something like this.

"Uhm.. hi?" I questioned.

   I started spacing out from the words of the bartender and tried grabbing Ted and Charlie's attention for help.

   Once I looked over, Ted and Charlie were drunk as hell and didn't know what was going on. They were no help.

   I turned my attention towards the bartender who handed me a slip of paper.

"If you ever wanna hangout at my place, here's my address and phone number." She spoke up.

"Thanks, but I'm not really interested right now.." I replied.

"Take it! I'm not trying to cause any harm."

   Before I had a chance to reply back, Alex stood up from his chair and used his wings to protect me.

"Get the fuck away, he's not interested."

"And who are you to tell me what to do?" She responded.

"He's mine, not yours."

   I wasn't gay or anything, but it made me flutter a bit.

   The bartender scoffed before leaving to go and attend another person, most likely trying to approach them in a seductive way.

   I looked above and locked eyes with Alex, his face seemed a little red from what he had to do.

"What was that for? I could've handled it myself."

"I didn't like the way she looked at you and the way she acted around you." He confessed.

"I was already getting Ted and Charlie's attention, there was no reason for you to budge in." I argued.

"Getting their attention? They've been drunk since we arrived at the bar."


"Lets just leave. Drop me off at my house."

"Alright then."
   End of the 2nd one-shot! This was pretty fun to make, although I don't have a lot of time on my hands than I did before. (Blame the education system) :^

(happy early Halloween 👻)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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