7 Fall Forest and Snow Highland

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At the fall forest, the group continues their conversation while chopping down trees.

Aaron: "Have you ever wondered what these drinks actually do? They make you feel a bit weird at first, but the taste is normal."

Emma: "Can you speak a bit quieter? We're not alone in the forest, you know."

"Yeah, let's save the discussion for when we're back at camp." Allsen swing his axe to the tree.

Suddenly, a few lightning strikes can be seen not far from their location.

Aaron: "Ah, damn it. Looks like it's about to rain."

Mill: "I still feel like I'm filled with energy and strength."

Ayiaa: "That's because I'm the champ!"

Aaron: "We're all champs!"

Lily: "It's that...thing, right? The one we were talking about earlier?"

Allsen: "Yeah, I think so too. Oh, Aaron, where have you been disposing of the containers for these drinks?"

"I throw them in the river."

"Alright, good to know."

Moments later, the group manages to gather twice as much wood as an average person could in that time. As they work, tiny raindrops begin to fall, prompting them to hurry back to the camp before the rain intensifies.

Aaron: "Hold on, we're going in the wrong direction for the transport."

Emma: "Looks like someone didn't pay attention during the instructions. We need to drop off our supplies at the delivery area first, and then we can head to the transport."

"Ah, I see now."

Moments later, they unload the wood onto a designated area and begin walking towards the transport. However, as they approach their destination, sudden gunfire erupts from that direction.

Aaron: "What the hell?"

The speaker crackles to life, broadcasting a warning.


Mill: "Are you kidding me?"

In the distance, the trees begin to move, indicating the presence of something ominous.


A mercenary shouts at them, urging them to flee.


Emma turns around and finds herself face-to-face with a zombie.
"Oh my God!"
Instinctively, Emma pushes the zombie with surprising force, sending it tumbling a few feet away.

The group stares at Emma in disbelief, particularly Aaron.

"Okay, I know you're not that strong."

"I know, it was... I don't know what happened."
Emma trembles for a moment, trying to process the sudden burst of strength.

Allsen notices the swarm of zombies pouring out of the transport station, as well as a menacing spider mutant nearby.
"Lily, I want to give it a shot."

Lily: "Take on that thing?"

Aaron spots the spider mutant as well.
"You must be out of your mind."

"You never know until you try. Lily, find an opportunity to strike, I'll go first."
Allsen charges toward the leaping spider mutant, his determination unwavering. With a burst of strength, he jumps an impressive six feet high, reaching out to grab the spider's legs. They crash to the ground together, but Allsen swiftly propels himself back up onto the mutant before it can retaliate. Gripping his ax tightly, he delivers a powerful blow to the spider's skull. The ax sinks into the head, causing the mutant to scream in pain. Undeterred, Allsen pulls the ax backward, dragging the spider's head with it, forcing its mouth wide open.

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