The Beginning of a Friendship Trail

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Cupid: giving marshmallows on a skewer to everyone *
Blondie: I got chocolate and graham crackers to make it just right
* everyone excited *
Briar: so Rayla tell us and you're boyfriends story while we're making s'mores
Rayla: well
All the: boys and girls please *
Callum :*looks at Rayla * they're asking for it
Rayla: ok So * tells the story *
Callum : *tells the scary story of the mountain called cursed caldera *
*Everyone having fun *
*Everyone picks a tent*
*Soren picks a tent with daring *
*Apple picks a tent with Darling *
* Raven picks a tent with Dexter *
* Cupid picks a tent with blondie *
* Ashlyn picks a tent with Holly o hair *
Poppy o hair picks a tent with Lizzie *
* Maddie picks a tent with Briar *
* Callum picks a tent with Rayla *
* fire goes off*
Rayla : * is too tired and sleeps on her side of the tent *
Callum : *sleeps on his side *
Claudia: look father a tent area, can we rest
Viren: no
Claudia: why I'm tired
Viren: we're on a mission and we're not resting
Claudia: Fine
* next day arrives *
* Everyone has their costumes still on and everyone wakes up and has breakfast *
*They then continue the journey *

Ashlyn: Guys were entering the pixie forest so be very careful with the pixies

*everyone listens and goes into the forest *

* The pixie leader goes to see Ashlyn *

Ashlyn: Oh why hello their little pixie would you mind telling me and my friends where this mean people trying to get the magic

*tells in pixie *

Rayla: what is she saying

Ashlyn: She's saying we need to hurry because he already got half of the fairy population for the magic

Rayla : * tries saying in pixie we promise to free your people *

pixie leader : * says thank you in pixie *

Rayla: let's go

Poppy: I think I found some footprints * Footprints from Claudia were left behind *

Rayla: Good job Poppy, let's follow the footprint

* they have a snack break and see's the view of ever after high *

Apple: Ever after high isn't the same but with our help were going to put it back in shape

Briar: The town will also see us as heroes

*everyone continues the trail *

*something moving in the bushes *

Cupid: there is something moving in the bushes maybe this is the cursed caldera

Rayla: this isn't the cursed caldera that one had been full of illusions of creepy things maybe that's a rabbit * looks in the bush to see Zym *

*All of the girls aweing *

Raven: he's so cute, I think he would be very good friends with my Nevermore

Rayla : *picks Zym up* I don't know how he got here or escaped from his mother but I guess the portal led to him but we need to hide him

Holly o hair: why

Callum: that man who is going to try and steal the magic is also wanting to steal this baby dragon from its mother

Maddie: Now that's someone who doesn't want a tea party

Rayla: yes you could say it like that

Apple: But I don't understand if he wants the baby dragon then why is he seeking our magic

Soren: Because he's only wanting to cause trouble because he's the villain

Callum: thanks Soren, now we are on a mission, and we to go

* everyone continues *

Rayla: Callum do you understand what this sign says

Callum : *Reads it * No it seems Riddlelish

Maddie: I can understand, Now it says if you take the left path you'll be stuck at a dead end and filled with hungry wolves and if you take the right path it will lead you to your destination but the catch is you have to solve the maze in the right path

Rayla: We could do this right everyone

*everyone agrees and goes to the right path *

Meanwhile in Ever After High

duchess : * crying *

Ginger: what's wrong Duchess

Duchess: My water in my beautiful fountain is gone I can't do my beautiful water dances anymore or be the swan I was meant to

Ginger: oh it's ok I'm sure I'll be back soon

Cedar : *plays go fish with sparrow *

Callum: Yay we made it good job everyone

Raven: look at the well of wonder

* Everyone helps with the well of wonder*

*Rayla: has some water from the well on her hair *

Callum: aww you got Unicorn hair * laughs *

Rayla : * blushes * Shut up * dries hair

*continues journey *

Duchess: My water * is Happy *

*The rest of the people are bored *

Forest Pixies : * Talks to Rayla and Ashlyn *

Rayla: why thank you friends I promise you with the fairies to bring the safety of your friends back

*Zym gets out of Callum's backpack and plays with some of the forest Pixies *

Rayla: oh that's a little friend of ours he was supposed to be hiding from a certain someone

Forest Pixies: Saying they love the little fella and they're invited to a forest party if they want to come

Ashlyn: Oh that sounds wonderful what do you think

* everyone agreeing*

Callum: yes that sounds lovely but were in a situation and we need to stop it

Rayla: But Callum it's a Forest party besides the whole crisis won't happen til Thronecoming and if we go I might think about going to Thronecoming with you

Callum:* Blushes *

Rayla: I thought so

*Everyone goes to the party *

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