Chapter 3

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I do not own Harry Potter or the Vampire Diaries

AU: Hi readers, sorry about the wait but with my A-levels and all it's been really hard, I know this is a shorter chapter than normal but I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer so I will post this half now as I start writing the other half. Also just wanted to warn you that chapters might be shorter now considering the amount of time I have and the other stories I have to carry on so sorry about that :)

The memory played just as the scene shifted around before they were back in the same room as the cat flap rattled and Miranda's hand appeared, pushing a bowl of canned soup into the room.

"Oh Merlin, you can't be serious." Delilah groaned holding her suddenly aching stomach, she felt like she hadn't eaten in ages.

"What's wrong angel?" Damon asked concerned as he gently turned her in his arms to look at him.

"My younger self is starving, so right now I feel like I could eat a whole blasted buffet and even then I think I'd still be hungry," Delilah whined dramatically as she clutched her stomach, it was actually slightly painful, she had forgotten exactly how long she had starved.

"You can feel that too, seriously?" Damon asked in exasperation as he held her to him resting his chin on her head trying to provide her with a little comfort.

"Wait they starved you?" Elena asked with tears in her eyes as Stefan held her to provide some comfort and Jeremy glared at nothing in particular trying to control his anger.

"It was only for a little while," Delilah said trying to reassure them but they saw through the lie and glared at her.

"Don't do that Lilah, don't lie for them. What they did was wrong on so many levels so stop defending them." Jeremy said sternly and she reluctantly sighed and nodded at him before resuming the memory, she was too hungry to argue right now as Damon held her body to his comfortingly.

Delilah, whose insides were aching with hunger, jumped off her bed wincing slightly, the cuts she had apparently still were hurting her, and seized it. The soup was stone-cold, but she drank half of it in one gulp. Then she crossed the room to Hedwig's cage and tipped the soggy vegetables at the bottom of the bowl into her empty food tray. She ruffled her feathers and gave her a look of deep disgust.

"Seriously? You're starving and you gave it to the owl, why are you so nice?" Damon groaned annoyed that she fed an owl before herself.

"Oy, he's not just any owl, Hedwig was my familiar," Delilah said sadly and he kissed the side of her head in apology for bringing it up before he realized what she just said.

"Wait, did you just say familiar?" Damon asked, was it like in the fairytales?

"Yep and I know what you're thinking and yes it is like in the storybooks, we witches and wizards can have familiars. Some take a while to bond whilst some have an instant connection, like me and Hedwig, I can understand her actions and what she's trying to say. All my friends used to call me crazy for having a conversation with Hedwig whilst they couldn't understand a word until some of them got familiars of their own. Mi got a cat, Dray got his eagle and the twins, well they've got two mischievous little things called Nifflers." Delilah explained a mixture of annoyance and fondness on her face as she mentioned the Nifflers.

"Nifflers?" Jeremy asked curiously.

"Yes, they're small platypus-like adorable creatures that steal anything shiny. Money, jewellery, phones, you name it, it can get very irritating at times, they are very clever and very mischievous but one look at them and you think they're the most innocent things in the world, which describes the twins perfectly." Delilah said as she remembered the many times the nifflers had stolen the jewellery she had made for some people, it was annoying but the way they looked so sheepish and adorable when the twins forced them to give the stuff back had her melting in a second, it was infuriating. They were called manic and panic, as she herself had jokingly called them once, the twins had loved the names so much they had changed what they originally had called them into that. They reminded her of the twins a lot, in the sense that she forgave them in a heartbeat when they made those adorable puppy dog eyes at her.

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