Chapter 5: Revealed

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Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. M.A.T.A Academy

Today everyone was talking to each other because there is no tournament is going on. Azmir was walking to the main area by himself because his brother was taking for a walk at the park. They all look at Azmir as they confused that Ali is not with him.

Alicia: Eh Azmir. Mana Ali? Selalunya dia datang kat sini dengan kau.

(Hey Azmir. Where's Ali? He usually come here with you though.)

Azmir: Oh adik aku pergi ke luar untuk jalan-jalan kat taman. (Oh my brother was going out for a walk at the park.)

Alicia: Oh.

Kim: Jadi awak seorang je datang ke sini. (So you're the only one who come here.)

Azmir: Ya aku seorang je. (Yea I'm the only one.)

Just then Rudy come to the main area.

Rudy: Korang...aku tahu kenapa Ali macam sorok sesuatu kat kita. (Guys... I know why Ali is like hiding something from us.)

They all then shocked as Azmir, Wahid and Fizul was scared.

Azmir: *In mind* Ha sudah rahsia adik aku dah terbongkar. (Done my brother secret has reveal.)

Wahid: *In mind* Mungkin aku cakap tu terlalu cepat semalam. (Maybe I spoke that to soon yesterday.)

Fizul: *In mind* Nampaknya kitorang kena explain semua ni. (Looks like we gonna have to explain all of this.)

Roza: Yeke? (Really?!)

Rudy: Ya! (Yea!) Semalam aku senyap-senyap ikut dia pergi ke belakang akademi dan bila aku intip dia dari belakang kerusi taman aku nampak ada robot. Robot tu kenal Ali. (Yesterday I was quietly following him goes to backyard academy and when I spy on him at the back of park bench I saw a robot. That robot know Ali.)

Rizka: Eh! Kau ni biar betul Rudy. (Eh! Are you for real Rudy.)

Jet: Macam mana rupa robot tu? (How does that robot look like?)

Rudy: Rupa robot tu..(That robot look..)

Robot detail

Dia berwarna merah. Pakaian dia macam bad boy sikit.Dia ada tanda merah kat depan baju dia. Dia ada pedang di belakang serta pistol berupakan laser di tepi poket. Muka dia aku tak nampak sebab ditutup oleh topeng. Satu lagi mata dia warna biru muda dan rambut dia merah pancang ke depan.

(He has red color. His clothes looks a bit bad boy.He has a red mark at front of his shirt. He has a sword at his back with gun that look like laser inside his pocket. His face I can't see because it was cover by a mask. One thing he has light blue eyes and his hair is front spike shape.)


Rudy: Tu yang aku nampak rupa dia. (That's what I saw his look.)

Mika: Lelaki ke perempuan robot tu? (Is that robot a boy or a girl?)

Rudy: Dah tentulah lelaki. (Of course it's a boy.)

Khai: Kau ada dengar perbualan diorang? (Did you hear their conversation?)

Rudy: Ya aku dengar semua perbualan diorang. Aku ada video yang aku dah record dalam telefon aku ni semalam.

(Yea I hear all their conversation. I have the video that I've record in my phone yesterday.)

Zass: *body language* Tunjuk kitorang (Show us then.)

Rudy: Ok tapi yang part 'last' video tu korang mungkin akan sedih punya. (Alright but the last 'part ' of the video will may make you guys cry eventually.)

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