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What's the most obscure Shakespearean way you can say 'fuck you'? I'm curious to see how creative everyone is.

The shift was almost immediate. And a certain boy noticed the lack of a presence beside him when he gained his wits.

"What happened to them?" Five demanded when Reginald entered the Buffalo Suite; not the one from before. This one was different. This one was in Oblivion. "Where's Emery?" Five pressed, eyes sweeping around the room.

"Children, I'm sorry but your brother... Emery... I did all I could, but they didn't make it through in time." Reginald panted out, leaning against the wall that separated them from the past. "The Kugelblitz has claimed its last victims."

"No, Klaus was right behind me when I entered the tunnel, and Emery... Emery... He wouldn't- he would never... Leave me." 

"There simply wasn't enough time. Another second wasted and we would all be dead." Reginald said, eyes sorrowful. 

Five ran a hand through his hair, messing it up as he raked his hands through it. His heart was thudding a mile a minute now and suddenly he felt he couldn't sit still. 

"We need to go back." Sloane said, her own voice broken. 

"There's nothing to go back to." Reginald said, clutching at his heart as if he had the right to.

"Bullshit." Five claimed. It took everything within him not to fling himself at the old man but he held his ground and settled for a deathly glare.

"Five-" Allison began but Five wasn't having it.

"Don't 'Five' me. He just left them there."

"You can't prove that-"

"Of course he was. Old Reggie here was supposed to be the last one in." Five's gaze was narrow and icy.

"He couldn't have done it on purpose." Viktor said weakly.

"But he could have gone back. He could have tried." Five turned to Reginald, fists clenched so tight they were nearly coated in white and he stomped his foot so hard it reverberated on the walls around him. His next breath out was shaky and irregular. "You could have done something. Anything. You left them there to die." He said, voice quieter this time.

"You're overhwlemed, I see. But that doesn't mean going around and throwing accusations." Reginald said. "Children, there will be time for tears later." The old man continued, seemingly gaining back his composure and pushing forward as if he hadn't just been accused of murder. And with the way he walked, it looked like he was as innocent as a newborn baby. "Right now, we have to keep moving."

"Wait. Luther, Klaus, and Emery?" Viktor said, his voice just barely above a whisper and even then it shook.

Find the goddamned seven bells and get yourself out, Five.

Emery's voice rang out in Five's mind as he paced. They were in the lobby now. The area feeling acutely empty and too large for their meager party. Any word seemed to echoe around the room and Five had half the mind to think he was going mad with the whispers that seemed to follow him around and now Emery... Emery's voice in his head. But Five didn't try to distract himself. Some part of him wanted the voices to last so he wouldn't forget.

Pitiful comfort laced glances were sent his way as he paced, raking his mind for something to do that would settle the un-ending bundle of nerves that were screaming at him. His chest was too light, arms to heavy and every time he paused, his legs screamed at him to keep moving as if by standing in one place too long he would combust inward.

Right Back Where We Started [Five]Where stories live. Discover now