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When they entered the lobby, it was to the scene of everyone rushing in and Klaus laying on the floor.

"Klaus? What happened? We thought you died." Allison said, coming from who knows what reality and helping him up with Viktor.

"If only." Klaus groaned out as he stood.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Klaus." Five said, giving his brother a once over. Making sure he too was real.

"You look like hell," Viktor said.

"Yeah, why don't you try killing a guardian." Five said, still sour about his several close encounters with death.

"We just did," Viktor said, eyebrows drawing together.

"So did we," Ben said.

"Klaus, I thought you were dead," Sloane said like she still couldn't believe it. "With Emery coming back, I had hoped but never really-"

"Wait Emerys' back?" Viktor's voice broke as he looked around. When his eyes landed on the boy tension seemed to audibly fall from his shoulders. "I thought- we thought you-"

Emery offered a lopsided smile. "You know me, you can't get rid of me that easily." He shrugged, waving to everyone else as their eyes landed on him as well, each wide and filled with relief. Despite the circumstances, it filled Emery's heart to know he was valued.

"Yes, yes. We're alive... and amazing despite Dad's attempt to kill him and bash my brains in," Klaus said, rubbing at his head. "but, tearful reunions later. What you guys need to know right now is that... Dad killed Luther. And he locked us out of the tunnel, and he rang that stupid bell!" Klaus sulked as he pointed at the bell that rested on the counter, the same bell that rang for each of their deaths.

"What's your plan, old man?" Five said,  beyond done with all the lies and deceit. He was tired of it.

"We don't have time for this!" Reginald protested as he came to meet them in the middle of the lobby.

"You killed Luther!" Sloane accused though there was nothing to speculate about her claim.

"I had no choice. You refused to come together as a team."

"All of your stupid myths and stories," Ben said. "There were never abt seven bells or Norsemen. You brought us here to die!"

"That's not so." The old man rushed out. He looked at each of them, determined and solemn. Even when his gaze landed on Emery, they did nothing but narrow before he was glossed over. It was almost like the old man had expected to find Emery there. And if he didn't, he showed no signs of thinking otherwise.

"Somewhere in this hotel is the key to resetting the universe. We just need to find the sigil!"

"I don't care about your sigil!" Sloane said. "None of us do."

Five shifted beside Emery, his gaze falling down to the floor and head cocking to the side slightly. Emery may not have known the boy long, but he did know him enough to know that he was on to something.

"We barely survived that guardian with his stupid helmet and sickle!" Diego said as Five shifted, eyes pulling away from the floor and feet moving soundlessly. Emery watched him go with a curious expression as Five padded up the lobby steps.

"Sickle?" Viktor queried. "The guardian we killed had an axe."

"Ours had a sword." Sloane said, wishing it wasn't true.

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