Many thanks to the users for giving me the idea: thenonbianarybeebee
Request :What ifff we have a little insight on what the monkie do with their child. Say if macaque had a day all to himself and y/n how would it go - same with monkey king -
Sun wukong.A day with Monkey King is hilarious ,when he doesn't have training with MK because he has to work at pigsy's ,the day is all about the two of you.
Most of the time you guys are watching serials, lying on the couch with all the monkeys while eating peach crisps, but when you both get bored of that you both play together.
In a few chapters ago I mentioned that you both play tag with your powers, well let's just say I wasn't entirely wrong, as it's one of your favourite games.
The two of you use a very fun dynamic where you have to try to snatch Monkey King's crown of feathers while he has to snatch your beaded scrunchie, which are the only items you both keep in sight for the game.
You and Monkey King see it as a mad chase, one moment you are running through the trees of the island in your tiger form with an adult tiger at your heels, another you are flying around the mountain trying to avoid each other by doing acrobatics and another you are camouflaging yourself with nature so as not to be spotted.
The adrenaline of the typical game of predator and prey keeps them in rhythm with the aim of not being caught by the other, in these cases Monkey King has to be very attentive because being so small you are much more agile and elusive than him while you try not to face him directly as he gains in strength.
Speaking of strength in some cases you played wrestling, but you lost in every round as he was bigger than you, unless you used your infallible trick of shouting for help from your army of chaotic gremlins who tackled their king proclaiming you the winner.
-Hehehehehehe surrender princess you can't defeat the king-taunted Monkey King as he watched you writhe and kick underneath him in your tiger form.
-AGH! today the king falls from his throne! HEY GUYS, A LITTLE HELP OVER HERE!!!!- you shouted at the top of your lungs.
-What? AAAH--Monkey King shouted as he was tackled by a large group of monkeys who were holding him down- Hey this is not fair! Get off!
ordered Monkey King being blatantly ignored by his subjects who just laughed at him while you climbed to the top of the pile of monkeys even though you were still a tiger.
-I have ascended to Queen my army!-You declared proudly as the monkeys squealed and cheered for victory while wukong just snorted beneath you.
You also have beauty sessions so to speak ,the monkey king is already handsome as it is ,but he will risk increasing his beauty with his princess just as beautiful as his father ,there is an area on the island with hot springs where you both go to relax, both in swimming costumes , Monkey King lies on the edge of the hot water while you float in the middle while Xìngrén was lying on your chest like using you as if you were a float. Then you both comb each other's hair and decorate each other's hair with flowers.
They also tend to draw together ,MK no doubt got you hooked on drawing as you usually have a notebook and pencils or crayons with you ,while Monkey King tends to draw mostly on the floor or cave walls with chalk both of you alternate in drawing on paper together lying on the nimbus cloud or drawing on the walls as if you were two small children.

Daddy monkey <3 Monkey King And Macaque X F!Child Reader [REQUEST CLOSED]
FanfictionCome to read Monkie kid fan ;3