Gameboys S1 S2 and movie

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Title: Gameboys: Level Up Edition, Gameboys the Movie, and Gameboys 2

Main couple: Gavreel and Cairo

Main actors: Kokoy de Santos and Elijah Canlas

Country: The Philippines 

Where to watch: S1-netflix (US Netflix), the movie and S2-Gagaoolala (I used a VPN because it is not available in the US)

Description: S1: This show follows the relationship developing between Cairo (who is a competitive video game player and streamer) and Gavreel. When the covid-19 pandemic hit they found each other and a romance develops. They struggle with jealously and the difficulties of a long distance relationship. 

The Movie and S2: SPOILERS FOR SEASON 1 They decide to live together for a short period of time. They face the struggles of homophobic family and past loves suddenly appearing. They have to work threw many negative emotions and experiences together. 

Notes: The movie and Season 2 follow the same story but the movie is simply a shorter version. I recommend watching S2 over the movie but I watched both and enjoyed them. 

Possible TW: death of family, pandemic, arguing/fighting, homophobia, panic attacks

My Review/opinions: I honestly loved this show much more then I expected. I may even say it is in my top 10 overall shows. 

Most of the conflicts result from miscommunications or lack of communications which is one of my least favorite tropes. I do feel that the conflicts and arguments the couple had were resolved quickly and appropriately. I like how the show takes time to show the main couple talking about their feelings and listening to each other. 

This show addressed very real and difficult aspects of the early stages of the COVID pandemic: mental health concerns and loss of family members. I cried quite a bit while watching this show, both happy tears and sad tears.

Watching their love for each other grow and seeing how they fit together so well. Seeing how much these 2 characters cared for each other warmed by heart. 

It broke my heart watching Cairo blame himself for the death of his father due to him running away from home due to fear of homophobia, and then seeing Gavreel struggling with his homophobic family and having to hide his relationship. 

One nitpicky critique I have: Cairo being forced out of the closet right before S1. Towards the end of the season she and him talked about this. This felt a little forced and out of place as it is not really addressed much.

one small detail that I loved: The nicknames. Calling each other baby and the way the pronounce it was so cute!!! The show is worth watching just to see Pearl, I love her. She was a highlight of the entire show. 

NSFW scenes: Not many NC or NSFW scenes but many references to it. S1 has a couple kisses but nothing intense, S2 has more of those scenes

Would I recommend: 1000% over and over again. I loved this show and think it deserves more hype

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