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eliza and mackenzie were helping zed with his campaign. "zed for prez! vote zed for prez, because he's a zombie, not a zom-cant be" kenzie shouted passing out flyers.
"nice, okay here's our platform. we fight for zombie toppings on pizza in the cafeteria" eliza listed. zed nodded in argument.
"get zombie tongue taught as a second a language" mackenzie listed off.
"and how to overthrow your oppressors after-school club" eliza added, earning a sharp look from zed.
"sorry, right. don't over-promise" she said, shaking her head.
kenzie nudged her best friend side and grinned. "someday"
"but more importantly we allow zombies at prawn" zed stressed.
then addison joined them, the reason why zed is running in the first place. "good luck, mr. future president" she said, grinning brightly.
Bree joined more chipper and excited as always no matter how early it is. "hey zed, did you hear? addi's being tested for captain, and she gets to run cheer practice tomorrow" she bragged.
"its not a big deal" addison trying to shrugged it off but grinned. "okay it's a huge"
"a huge chance to fail!" lacey yelled from across the courtyard the aceys were at a table making buttons for bucky.
"if addi aces this practice. oh my gosh, she's so going to be cheer captain once bucky wins. he's so gonna win because you know, elections, they're just like these big old popularity contests. and bucky is super popular. so ⸺ what? " bree finally cut off her rambling not knowing she insulted zed.
"thanks, bree" zed not feeling so sure about running against bucky.
"i know it's weird ill only be cheer captain if bucky's president, but ⸺ "
"no, that just means neither of us can lose, because one of us is going to get what we want. and i can live with that" zed cut her off
"me too, you'll do great, zed" addison smiled. zed handed her a flyer.
"zed for prez!"
☽⠀. . .
"these sheep's just us in? baaaaaddd idea" willa scoffed