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kenzie opened her window waiting for wyatt to come over, she won't admit it but she is nervous is this a date or is it hang out between friends.
she hasn't told her brother knowing what would he say if she likes a werewolf. its been hours and she started to get worried and losing hope so she decided to finished her p ainting that she's actually been dreaming of a wolf howling at the moon.
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"you shouldn't doubt yourself, you know" a voice said came from out of her window.
"i was getting worried for second, thought you would forget about me" she said looking down.
wyatt walked up to her and moved his hand on her cheek. "i could never forget a girl like you, just wished i met you sooner"
"so ⸺ where we going" she question, changing the subject.
"well since, ive seen your world it's only fitting if you see mine"
kenzie was a bit hestitant, she never sneak out of the house before always there for her family and never really got the chance to live for herself.
"do you trust me" wyatt asked her, reaching out his hand for her to grab. she nodded as she grab his hand.
zed warned her to be careful around werewolves, cause of all the stories everyone hears. but kenzie and addison believed there something more than meets the eye. sure, kenzie had her doubts in the beginning but thats before she saw how they're just like them.
wyatt stop at the tallest tree and help kenzie up the tree and as soon as they reach the top, he got behind her making sure she doesn't fall. kenzie couldn't believe what she is seeing it's the most beautiful she has ever seen. "do you like it?" he asked looking at the white hair zombie.
"i love it, i've never a more beautiful view in my life" she smiled.
"i have, and im looking right at it" he said looking not at the sky but at her. kenzie blushed when she notice he wasn't talking about the sky. she slowly got down from the tree with wyatt not far behind.
[ play song ]
[ Wyatt : ] I found a love for me Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
[ Kenzie : ] Well, I found a boy, beautiful and sweet
[ Both : ] I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
[ Wyatt : ] 'Cause we may be kids
[ Both : } But we're so in love Fighting against all odds I know we'll be alright this time Darling, just hold my hand Be my girl, I'll be your man (be my man) I see my future in your eyes Baby, I'm dancing in the dark With you between my arms Barefoot on the grass Listening to our favourite song
[ Wyatt : ] When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
[ Kenzie : ] I don't deserve this
[ Wyatt : ] Darling, you look perfect
[ Both : ]
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark With you between my arms Barefoot on the grass Listening to our favourite song I have faith in what I see Now I know I have met an angel in person You look perfect I don't deserve this (I don't deserve this) You look perfect Tonight
kenzie looked deep into wyatt's eyes as she slid her hands on his chest as wyatt leans in. however, kenzie just cleared her throat not wanting get to attached.
"uhm, i should probably be getting home" she said awkwardly as she almost had her first kiss but didn't.
"yeah, your probably right. let me walk you home at least" he suggested. kenzie nodded, as they walked towards her house.
"ive actually have fun tonight. thank you for showing your world" she smiled as she was on your doorstep.
"no problem, moonshine im happy i get to show you my world. i actually had fun as well." he said smiling at her showing his fangs
kenzie bid him a good night as she was about to open the door but turned around and gave wyatt a kiss on the cheek as she went inside.
wyatt did a little victory dance as he went to the den and went to bed with a smile on his face
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⠀⠀⤷⠀ admin note . . .
hello my loves, i apologize if this a shorter chapter then excepted but i just got home from work and I'm tired. i know i promise heartache in this chapter but i promise the next one will be heartache. i kinda wanna focus a bit on wyatt and kenzie 'date' night.