1:5 Malivore

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Part 2

MalivorePart 2————

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"I heard basically the whole thing.." You trailed off, looking down before looking back up. "Is it true that you only let your guard down around me?" You questioned. Hope nodded, she didn't want to lie. "Why is that?" You inquired.

"Well... I like you, Kate." Hope responded. The ball glowing blue, but you acted as if you didn't see it. "But not like the 'crush' kind of way, just as friends." Hope continued. From the corner of your eye you saw the once blue ball become red. Why she was lying?

Did she really have a crush on you...?


Rafael breathed heavily. "I'm gonna tear Jed apart." Rafael breathed out.

"No, you're really not." Hope disagreed. Rafael turned around and locked eyes with Hope.

You moved to sit next to Landon, comforting him. "He's gonna pay for what he did. He could've killed him." Rafael arrugues.

"You want to do something to help him? Take a walk to the herb garden and get me some hazelwood root." Hope didn't loose eye connect with Rafael.

Rafael sighed and opened the door before closing it.

Landon and you looked over at Hope. "What does hazelwood root do?" Landon questioned.

"Make him cool off before he realises that I made it up." Hope sat on the bed.

You got out of Landon warm embrace, getting out of the bed. "I'll give you two some alone time." For some reason, saying that made your heart burn with pain, like you didn't want to leave the two of them alone and just want to be with Hope, which was weird.

They both nodded and you made your way to Hope rooms, grabbing you diary to write in it. You haven't since 2022, so why would you start writing now?

You chose to write instead of thinking about it. 'Dear Diary, I haven't written in this diary in a while, and I have no idea why I'm writing in it right now, but... Apparently, writing is the only way for me to let off some steam without erupting into a rage.' You took a moment to consider what to write, but you eventually came up with an idea. 'Today, Hope, a lady I recently met, admitted to liking me, but only as friends and not in a "crush" kind of way. Does that suggest she has a crush on me, though? She was holding a ball at the time, and it went red as she said that.' You didn't know what else to write in the diary, so you just left it at that and set the book on the nightstand.

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