There's Always a Loophole

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Salvatore Boarding School

MG is in the cellar talking to Nia from her cell. "Triad kidnapped Landon after all. And Hope and Aaron need help, so... I got to bounce." MG said. "After you let me out of here?" Nia asked. "That's Dr. Saltzman's call." MG said. "I hope he gets here soon. I need to go home. My family needs me." Nia said. All of a sudden, a dart whooshes past MG and hits Nia, knocking her out. MG turns to see Veronica. "Ma?" MG asked. Veronica then knocks him out with dart as well, she then radios the other Triad agents. "Power's down. Move in." Veronica said. Minutes later,Rafael is walking down the hallway with Hope and Aaron as his eyes glowed in a flicker.

"Hey, you okay?" Hope asked. "Um... my mind still won't settle down. Look, I'm sorry, but I can't join the fight." Rafael said. "Don't worry, We're not going alone." Aaron said. He gestures forward and they see Kaleb, Josie and Jed walking down the hall. "Our squad answered the Bat-Signal." Aaron said. As the three reach the others, Lizzie walks up, both twins look at each other. "She's coming?" Lizzie and Josie asked in unison. "We need all the help I can get, so please put your twin war on pause." Hope said. Rafael looks at Jed. "Why is he going? He hates Landon." Rafael said.

"Look, you're the Alpha. If Landon's your pack, that makes him ours." Jed said. "Where's MG at?" Kaleb said. "He's on his way." Aaron said. "Yeah, so... Let's load up while we wait for him. Come on." Hope said. Then as they walk out the door, they are met with the Triad swat team. "Oh, sorry. We were about to knock." One of them said. "Who the hell are you?" Lizzie asked. "Name's Burr. Triad Industries." Burr said. "Propellere." Hope chanted but nothing happened. "Invisique." Aaron chanted but again, nothing happened. "I got this." Kaleb said.

Kaleb, believing he can fix this, tries to use his
vampire speed, but finds that the sun burns him.
His daylight ring isn't working. "What you don't got is magic. Which is why your daylight ring won't work. And what we have are stakes, wolfsbane... and other things. So I think you should invite us inside." Burr said.


Triad gathers the students up and reveal what they're looking for. "We're looking for an artifact known as the Chalice of Arimathea." Burr said. Triad agents pass out the picture of the artifact to all the students. "We have reason to believe it's part of your school's collection. Now, you know this place a lot better than we do, so the sooner you help us find it, the sooner we'll be gone. Triad thanks you for your time." Burr said. In the basement, MG awakens. He is greeted by his mother when he sees her standing by skull made fountain. "I can explain." Veronica said. "Where are we?" MG asked.

"Underneath the school. This tunnel is gonna lead you outside the gates. Your daylight ring will start to work again once you clear the perimeter." Veronica said. "Why is my daylight ring not working? And how do you know that it's not?" MG asked. Veronica points to the fountain dripping blood. "This fountain. It nullifies the magic inside the school. That's how we got in undetected." Veronica said. "We?" MG asked. "Triad." Veronica said. "You're working with the bad guys?" MG asked. "We are the good guys." Veronica said. "I don't see it like that." MG said.

"We'll talk about this later. Right now I'm trying to prevent one of nature's greatest evils from rising up, so if you just go.." Veronica said. Then MG hugs his mother and sneakily shoots her with the neutralizing darts, before leaving her to investigate the situation in the school. Minutes later, Hope, Aaron, Josie and Lizzie hurry to Alaric's office to hide. Hope tries to use the phone but it wasn't working. "It's dead. We have to find the school cell." Hope said. "Check MG's tighty-whities." Lizzie said. "Really? This is serious." Josie said. "Oh, I'm sorry. We can't all be born with resting concerned pouty face." Lizzie said.

Josie gasps. As they look for the school phone, they are confused and drawn to a shelf by Alaric's desk that previously had books on it. "Didn't this shelf used to have books on it?" Aaron asked. "Yeah. That's weird." Josie said. Aaron picked up a red chest that sat on the shelf and gave it to Lizzie. "Whatever they're doing to block out our magic must have knocked out a cloaking spell your dad had." Hope said. "Big shocker. Dad's hiding something from us." Lizzie said as she shakes the box. "Unless it has the school phone in it, it doesn't matter." Hope said.

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