Chapter 6: Dog

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A few months ago, some of the scientists decided to go back to earth and take a break from the Space Fox Society. And now it was time for them to get back to work, but a scientist named Anton wasn't coming back alone. While he was on earth he had a friend who had a daughter that owned a little kitten and they were going on vacation for two weeks and needed someone to take care of the kitten while they were away. So they asked Anton if he could and he agreed, but he wasn't sure how Jared would react to a kitten being in the space station. But he thought it could be a good experience for Mephiles as well.

When the scientists returned to the Space Fox Society they were greeted by the other scientists who were leaving to take a break and Jerry who had to leave and get back to his job. Jared was happy to see the other scientists back, but he was interested in the carrier Anton was carrying. Anton told him what was inside and told him that it wouldn't be any trouble and that it might be a good experience for Mephiles, but when Jared told him that they taught him to hate animals he was now not so keen on the idea. But he then thought it would be a good idea to give Mephiles animal contact, since he already had human contact. This got Jared thinking on the idea and he wasn't sure what Mephiles will do, but he then thought it would be a good experience for him. So he agreed to let the animal stay as long as Anton was responsible for it. Anton agreed to that and they both decided to let Mephiles have his first animal contact.

Anton put the carrier down three feet away from Mephiles, opened it and out came a small kitten that was white with black stripes. As soon as Mephiles saw the kitten, he wasn't very happy about it and he was just waiting for Jared to give him the order to attack, but he didn't and that got him wondering what was going on. Jared picked up the kitten and he was just amazed at how the cat kind of looked like a white tiger, but that's what made it extraordinary.

"This is an amazing looking cat you got here. What's his name?" Jared said as he was petting the cat while he was holding it.

"His name is Dog," said Anton.

"Dog? Why is he called that?"

"Because he would always hang out with the neighborhood dogs and he was never afraid of them."

"Fair enough."

Jared put the kitten down to see how Mephiles would react. The kitten went to Mephiles and purred around him and Mephiles just gave it a small growl but it just kept on purring around him.

"This is Dog. He's going to be staying with us for a while. You are not allowed to hurt him, understand?" said Jared.

Mephiles looked at the kitten and back to Jared and just nodded his head. A few days later, everyone adored Dog except for Mephiles, of course. Mephiles was so annoyed with Dog, he couldn't stand him; the little kitten will always follow him and purr around him and he just couldn't get a little alone time. Finally, he found a bedroom door that was opened and he went inside and just jumped onto the bed and laid down. He finally got a little peace and quiet, but yet Dog meowed at the doorway and Mephiles was annoyed again. But then, Dog climbed up to the bed and Mephiles lifted his head up and watched the little kitten walk towards him, rubbed against his side, laid there and went to sleep. Mephiles wasn't sure what to make of this but he did think it was cute. He looked around and saw that no one was there and just laid his head right next to the sleepy kitty and just smiled as he closed his eyes. Jared was watching from the doorway.

"This might be a problem", he thought.

A week passed and Mephiles was getting well acquainted with Dog; they would play with each other, chase each other down the hallway, and just have the time of their life. But then one day, something about Dog really shocked Mephiles. Dog was walking through the hallway looking for Mephiles and he spotted him staring at the big glass window. So he walked into the room and sat right next to him. He took a good look around and saw that no one was around.

"Whatcha looking at, Mephiles?" said Dog.

"Just looking at the earth," Mephiles said as he just realized Dog just spoke. "You can talk? How is this possible?"

"Actually, all animals can talk but how is beyond me."

"Jared never said animals could talk." "That's because humans don't know we can. We never showed them that we could. If we did, it would cause a lot of problems I'd rather not talk about."

"Wow. You are an extraordinary kitty."

"Thanks, but that's not what I want to talk to you about."

"Oh? Then what do you want to talk to me about?"

"I want to tell you that I know the humans are making you think we animals are bad. And I know they're planning for you to get rid of us all, but I think you shouldn't go through with it. Not all animals are bad and not all humans are good."


"I know this doesn't make sense and you don't understand, but you will one day."

After telling Mephiles that, he left the room leaving him confused, not sure whether to believe Dog or not.

Another week later, it was time for Anton to take Dog back home to his family. Dog licked Mephiles goodbye, whispered into his ear and told him that he hoped that one day they'll meet again. Mephiles watches the rocket leave the Space Fox Society, wondering if one day he'll see his little cat friend again.

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