Chapter 7: Elemental Training

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Two years later, Mephiles is five years old and experiencing a lot of new things. He's been watching movies and TV shows to test out his emotions. He's been reading a lot of books about animals, mystery, action, and adventure. He's been listening to a lot of different genres of music and actually danced to a few of them. He was even taught how to swim and he really loved being in the water. But, sometimes he keeps on experiencing new, weird sensations throughout his body. He would keep on feeling hot or cold, his fur would get all staticky, his nose would twitch like there was a fragrance of some kind, he would sometimes feel like he's wet, and sometimes he would feel the wind blowing even though there were no windows open. This made Jared concerned and he decided to call his brother and see if he knew anything about it.

When Jared called his brother, Jerry explained Mephiles is now experiencing the elemental powers within the Power Crystals and that he should really train him to control it. After hearing that, Jared began to set up everything to prepare Mephiles in his room. Mephiles wasn't sure what was going on, but he didn't bother to question it. In his room, there were several things to test based on the element. The training might take a while but it'll be worth it.

First, they decided to try out fire and they knew that it wasn't going to be pleasant. In order to test fire, there were some planks of wood, a large pile of logs, and a small candle. Mephiles decided to start on the large pile logs, in case his powers get out of control. Luckily, everyone was watching from inside the control room, protected from the impenetrable glass window. After trying to focus, he raised his paw and tried to shoot the fire out, feeling the ball of it heat up in his chest; he closed his eyes and focused on lighting the logs. When he felt the get a lot hotter he opened his eyes to see everything in the room except for the logs on fire. One of the scientists pushed a button that turned the sprinklers on in the room and got rid of the fire and they told him to try again. Mephiles tried again, but ended up lighting his paws on fire and a bucket of water came from beneath the floor; he put his paws in it, in order to extinguish the fire on his paws.

This started to frustrate Mephiles as he ended up shooting the fire at everything due to his anger, but he still couldn't light the logs on fire. The sprinklers came on again and Jared needed to figure out how to make Mephiles use his fire without losing control. So he told him to take deep breaths, close his eyes and concentrate on the logs. Mephiles finally calmed himself down, slowing down his breathing. When he opened his eyes, he focused on the logs, lit his paws on fire, and shot it at the logs;igniting them in flames. Everyone including Mephiles cheered when the logs were on fire and it was time to move onto the planks of wood. This time, Mephiles used less force and did the same thing again, using Jared's instructions; the planks of wood were on fire and Mephiles became very confident with himself. When it came to the candle he just snapped his fingers and it was lit. Jared and everyone else were proud that Mephiles can now control fire and it was time to move onto the next element.

They decided to try water next, hoping it would be a little bit easier for him. A cup came from beneath the floor and the scientists told Mephiles to fill the cup with water. It seemed simple enough but when Mephiles shot water at it, a jet of water hit the cup and threw it across the room. One of the scientists brought another cup in with the panel and told him to try again. Instead of freaking out like he did with fire, he tried the calming technique Jared taught him again. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and focused on what water is like; how it feels wet and cold. He put his paw over the cup, felt the water coming out of it like a sink, and slowly filled the cup with water. Everyone was happy Mephiles mastered water and now it was time to move onto the next element.

They decided to try ice next, which they hoped he wouldn't freak out like he did with fire. Now in order to try ice, they had a bowl of water they wanted him to freeze. Mephiles focused on the bowl of water and tried to shoot ice at it, but it ended up going to the wall and freezing it. The scientists got rid of the ice on the wall and asked Mephiles to try again. He did the calming technique again, thinking what frozen water looked like, what it felt like; he imagined it was a lot colder than normal water. Thinking of how cold the room felt, he finally managed to freeze the bowl of water. Everyone was starting to think the other elements might be a bit easier now and it was time to move onto the next element.

They had Mephiles do lightning next and it might've been a little bit shocking. They had a lightbulb in front of him and all he had to do was make it light up. But when Mephiles shot lightning at the light bulb, it reflected back and electrocuted him. Jared was shocked but glad to see that he was alright. Mephiles shook the electricity out of his fur and focused on making the light bulb light up. His body buzzed with the electric motions he just felt. His mind was quivering and he used that intense feeling. And then, he shot lightning at it and it lit up and he was starting to feel very confident of himself. Time to move onto the next element.

Nature was up next and Mephiles wasn't really excited about this element. A pot of dirt with a flower seed inside was placed in front of him and all he had to do was make it grow. Mephiles just put his paw on top of the pot, focusing on what he thought flowers might look like. He imagined how pretty the grass would look if he could see it, focused on the simple idea of plant life and out came a beautiful flower. Everyone was glad that he managed to control nature even though Mephiles wasn't that happy about it, but now it's time to move onto the final element.

Finally, wind was up next but they weren't sure what to test it out on. So they got a piece of paper, placed it in front of him, and told him to make it move by using wind. Mephiles thought it was ridiculous and just blew on it, but they scolded him for that. Even if it was ridiculous, he actually managed to make the paper move by thinking of trees and leaves rustling in the wind and shot a gut of wind out of his paws. Everyone cheered and decided to celebrate. Jared told Mephiles to practice his powers in order to fully control them; he understood and would practice after he was done celebrating.

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