The Mines of Brad's High School

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"Run!" Shouted Mr G. The three turned and sprinted away as the roar got louder. There was a scream as someone ran out of a nearby classroom.

"Big Shaq attack running in the building!"

"Shaq where have you been for the past two weeks?" Brad shouted.

"So, I got to Stacee's house, and apparently she's hanging out with Samwise Dumbguy, so I ran back to tell you, but I got lost."

"Holy Shaq!"

"Yeah! How did I get lost for fourteen days?"

"Both of you shut up! Principal Freeman, how do we escape?"

"We go through the mines."

They sped through the hazy tunnels, columns of dust erupting from their feet as they ran. But Mr Cog was getting closer. Mr G stopped.

"Keep going! I'll hold him off." Suddenly he was holding a metre-long ruler which he pointed at Mr Cog. "You shall not keep following us!" He brought the stick down on Mr Cog's head again and again. Brad silently thanked Mr G as the three of them ran on.

When they got to Stacee's house Brad gasped. Stacee was standing on her front lawn with Samwise Dumbguy.

"Thanks for helping me study." She smiled. Samwise Dumbguy smirked.

"Hey, Stacee." He dropped to one knee and pulled out a small box. Stacee was shocked.

"What the hell? I'm sixteen, you can't do this!" Brad ran up to her.

"Hey, nerd!" Brad's fist smashed into Samwise Dumbguy's face. He fell face first into the grass. Brad had knocked him out.

"Brad! You finished your detentions!" Stacee gasped.

"You bet it, baby. Let's go inside."

"One more thing Brad." A curtain of gold dush fell around him as his principal disguise faded. It was Morgan Freeman.

"Holy Shaq! It's Morgan Freeman!" Shaq exclaimed.

"Hello, I'm Morgan Freeman." Said Morgan Freeman. "Brad, I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, dad- uh I mean, Morgan Freeman." Morgan Freeman took something out of his pocket and tossed it to him.

"That's a lucky penny." Morgan Freeman pointed to Brad's hands. "Now go live your life." Brad smiled as he went inside with Stacee and Shaq walked away with Morgan Freeman.

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