Detentions and Dumbguys

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When Shaq got to Stacee's house, she was studying with the school nerd, Samwise Dumbguy. Shaq got closer to listen to their conversation.

"I love me some taters," said Samwise Dumbguy.

"What's taters?" Stacee asked.

"Po-ta-toes!" He laughed. They laughed and Shaq ran back to the school to tell Brad.

Meanwhile, Brad had been given the task of collecting empty paint bottles in the art room. There was a tap on the window. Brad thought it would be Shaq, but it was a gross-looking pigeon.

"Hey bird, wanna help me with my detention?"

"Sure, mate why not?" So, the bird flew around and collected the bottles. They were done in ten minutes.

"Wow, wanna help me with my other detentions?"

"Sure, mate why not?"

Over the next five days, the bird helped hang up artwork and dust shelves. He vacuumed the staffroom and cleaned the science lab windows. Eventually, the bird flew away and Brad got a dangerous task.

"Go to the janitor's closet and remove the caterpillar that is guarded by Mr Cog." Mr G instructed. Brad sighed. Brad walked up to the janitor's closet and knocked on the door. He hid as it opened. Mr Cog looked around and walked down the hallway, dragging his mop with him. Brad ducked into the closet and grabbed the caterpillar.

"' Ello mate." It spoke.

"Wanna help me do the rest of my detentions?"

"Yeah, alright then. I'm very hungry." Over the next week, the caterpillar ate dried paint off of brushes, cleaned dirty lunch trays and dishes, emptied all the bins in the school, by eating the garbage, and drank a bunch of old chemicals in the science lab that Brad was supposed to pour down the drain.

"I'm tired. Goodnight!" The caterpillar curled up into a little radioactive ball and fell asleep. Brad sighed and left.

When he got back to Mr G's office, the principal was waiting.

"Brad, the principal would like a word with you." Mr G turned to the principal. The principal, as you might expect, was dressed like a principal. He wore a sharp, three-piece suit and had a small broach on his right pocket with the school logo on it.

"I'm principal Freeman." Said Principal Freeman. "And I have a special assignment for" Principal Freeman was interrupted by the growl of Mr Cog. They all turned to see him standing further down the hall. He was fuming. It made sense, after all, Brad had stolen his very hungry caterpillar. He let loose a gut-wrenching roar. A fleck of spit landed on Brad's cheek. He gulped.

The 12 Detentions of Brad ChadsworthWhere stories live. Discover now