Chapter Three: A White Paradise

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White. White. White. All I see is white, a blinding white that took up any shapes that could've formed in my vision. I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't see anything and I couldn't feel anything. All I saw was white. A hum filled my ears, a soft hum that dampened the white into a soft hue of yellow. The hum slowly turned into a beeping that started off slowly but as the yellow hue turned into shapes the beeping picked up its pace. Soon enough the yellow shapes turned into a hospital room that was taken up by blinding fluorescent lights. A grunt left my lips as I glanced around at the white walls that had a few scattered framed pictures hanging from them. My whole left arm from shoulder to finger tips ached horrendously. A cast covered all of my fingers but my thumb and went all the up to my mid forearm. An IV was in my right arm that was hooked up to a rod and I had patches littered all over my chest that led to a heart monitor machine. My left shoulder was exposed from the blue hospital gown that I wore and was covered in a huge patch that was supported by wrap that went from the base of my neck to the end of my shoulder. My body was covered by a tan hospital blanket and my socks where slightly exposed but it showed a pair of light blue socks with white grips all over them. My eyes glanced around the room to take in a bit more of what I was surrounded with. The room was medium sized and had a huge window on the far right wall with a light brown couch right below it. The window had tan curtains that were pulled halfway up that revealed the early morning sky, it was still dark and had a faint start of the sunrise to it. The windows view told me that I must've been a few stories up because I was able to see a forest that stretched on for awhile. Beside the couch was an end table that had a few magazines on it and newly picked flowers that were placed in a light pink vase. On the other end of the couch was a portable TV that was turned on and playing a random episode of George Lopez at a low volume. The wall right in front of the hospital bed was lined with cabinets that had a white marble counter top. On each side of the cabinets was closets that went all the way to the ceiling. To the left of the closets and cabinets was a white door that was slightly opened and revealed a shower but that was all I could see from this angle. Next to that door on the left wall was a glass door with windows on each side of it. In front of the door and windows was a tan curtain that was pulled back a bit to allow doctors and nurses to see into the room. The rest of the room was covered by the curtain. My eyes glanced back to my blanket before I slowly pulled it off of me. With a grunt I slowly pulled myself upwards into a sitting position which caused a shock to shoot through my left arm. I swung my feet to the right edge of the bed and slowly placed my feet onto the cold tiled floor. The tiles were a white marble that formed different patterns along the floor. I slowly pulled my body up and held the IV rod in my right hand. With wobbly legs I moved my body towards the glass door and opened it slightly. With a dry throat I coughed before I looked around and saw a nurse down the hall "Ma'am?" My voice broke as I saw her slowly turned around towards me. She had bleached white blonde hair that was pulled back into a tight bun. She wore pink scrubs that had pins around her name tag. "Oh! Miss Henderson you're awake! Please go lay back down, I'll call a doctor immediately and we will both be right there!" She had a sweet voice with a bit of a chirp to it. I nodded my head before I shut the door and slowly made my way back to the bed with my IV rod. My memories slowly finally came flooding back into my mind, my lips contorted into a frown as I slowly remembered what happened to my dad and what I went through. Tears started to flow from my eyes as I stared down at my light blue cast. My right hand gripped ahold of my right knee as tears started flowing rapidly down my face. I felt my breathing pick up as my body started to shake a bit. I heard the door open to the room and with a small glance over my shoulder I saw a middle aged man with light brown hair with gray in the roots. He wore black dress pants with a white doctors coat. He also wore a pair of light blue hospital gloves. "Good morning Miss Henderson, how are you feeling? Is the pain meds working?" He spoke with a somewhat deep rumble to his voice. I wiped my tears from my face before I moved and faced him. "I'm doing okay and I have pain from time to time in my left arm" My voice cracked a bit as my throat grew drier than it was before. He moved his way over to the couch and sat down with a small smile. "I will bump up the meds a bit but the pain will still be there faintly due to the surgery and your broken hand". My face fell a bit more as I stared at him "Surgery? Was it major?" I glanced quickly at my wrap on my shoulder before I looked back at him. "Sadly yes, a few nerves were punctured which kept causing your arm to twitch during the procedure and there was a slight slash on an artery but we caught it just in time. You should be fully healed in 2 to 6 weeks. Your hand on the other had several breaks from the start of your wrist to the tips of your fingers. It will mostly likely take 4 to 8 weeks due to all of the breaks to be fully healed." I clenched my right fist as I stared at him. "How long will I have to stay here?" My eyes started staring at my cast as I felt an anger fill my body. "You've been out for about two days and should be in early stages of recovery that you should be able to be released later today, the police want to interview you so you have to wait until after that." He gave a small sympathetic smile before standing up. "I'll check up on you later today and the nurses will be coming in from time to time. If you have any questions or needs you can use the remote to call for your nurse." He made his way to the door and left leaving me sitting there in the cold white room. I laid down in the bed and pulled the blanket up and over my body. A sigh left my lips as I stared out the window. For a split second in the tree line I saw a glimpse of white but it was only for a second. A frown spread across my lips before I closed my eyes. I felt my body slowly slip off into a numb slumber.

My eyes slowly opened before quickly closing because of the bright lights. After a few moments they adjusted and I opened my eyes to see two police officers in the room. I slowly sat up as I stared at the man and the woman. The woman had a black short pixie cut, she was a bit taller than the man and she wore a black police uniform. The man had longer hair that was pulled tightly into a man bun and wore the same black police uniform, he was slightly shorter than the woman. "Hello Miss Henderson, we are here to do a quick interview." The female spoke with a slight hum to her voice. I nodded my head slightly before she started to speak again. "Can you tell us what happened the night that we had found you?" My eyes stung slightly before I cleared my throat.

After I told them what all had happened they left with a clipboard full of information, they seemed to not fully believe me but who would when you tell them a fucking creature like man killed your dad and tried to kill you. I was allowed to finally go home, which that leaves me to where I am now. I sat with a hospital bag of my belongings on a bench right outside of the hospital. My body was extremely sore and hunger was aching away at my stomach. I shuttered at the cold air as I sat staring at my phones clock as I waited for Mark to pull up. After a few minutes I saw his truck pull in and with a sore body I stumbled my way over to his truck before I got in and rested my body against the leather seats. His eyes saddened at my sorry state before he put the truck into drive and pulled his way out of the parking lot. My eyes felt heavy as I watched all of the scenery fly by. I didn't feel safe at home and I sure as hell didn't want to be there at the moment. I still had so much to figure out. Thankfully Mark was allowing me to stay at his house for awhile so we can figure everything out. My eyes slowly drooped shut as I drifted to sleep with the soft hum of classic rock playing through the truck speakers.

Word Count: 1682

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