Chapter Seven: An Unwanted Love

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The door slammed shut behind Jeff before he locked it and set me down onto a bed that was covered in clothes and blankets. He grabbed a chair and set it in front of me before sitting down. His eyes bore their way right into me as he took in every detail. "Where were you?" His voice registered in my ears, I stayed silent. His hand grabbed ahold of my face and brought it close to his. "Where?" His spit hit my face as he spoke with a lethal amount of anger, "Her treehouse" I spoke as calmly as I could. "Why won't you stay? Why do you keep running?" His eyes twitched as he looked into my dark pupils. "Do I scare you?" His breath hit my cheek as his smile grew. "Please get away" My voice broke out as he got closer, "Oh but Darling I just got you back" His hand let go of my face before he stood up which caused the chair to topple over. "You look hungry-" "I'M not." I didn't want what he had to give me, I wasn't hungry. "You lost weight, you need to eat" He made his way to a drawer and pulled out a bag of what looked to be stale pretzels. He brought it to me and sat down on the bed with me. "Eat these" I grabbed them and I ate about a handful, nausea randomly rocked my body. "Doll?" His voice held concern as I stumbled upwards and towards a small trashcan. I fell to my knees and vomited the pretzels into it. My body heaved a few times before I sat back and stared at it with tears in my eyes. I heard quiet footsteps come up behind me, his gaze was enough to cause me goosebumps. He helped me up in silence before bringing me back to what I assumed to be his bed. I laid on top of the clothes and covers and saw him stare at me from the corner of my eye. "I don't hate you" He stated quietly. What the fuck is that suppose to mean? I looked towards him, nausea still there but somewhat at bay. "I wish I hated you more" I spoke barely above a whisper. He smiled before he went towards the door. "I'll go get you some water and medicine" With that he made his way out the door and shut it behind him. I sat up and looked around the room, it was dark and messy with clothes and random stuff laying everywhere. I looked down at what is now over a month old outfit. With a sigh I went to my feet and made my way to a black dresser, as much as I hated him I only had two options, risk getting a series of diseases from my clothes or risk getting only a few diseases from his.

I ruffled through a few drawers before grabbing ahold of a baggy black hoodie and a pair of what I pray to be clean feminine underwear that I hope isn't his. I opened another drawer and grabbed a pair of basketball shorts and made my way to a set of doors. I opened the first door and it led to a bathroom so I assumed the second one led to a closet. I made my way into the bathroom and looked around and saw a small shower. I locked the door behind me before grabbing a towel from underneath the bathroom sink and setting it on the toilet with the set of clothes on top of it. I quickly stripped of my clothes before hoping into the shower and turning it on, a groan left me as the ice cold water hit my skin. My eyes wandered to my hand and my shoulder as I saw the cast and old bandages still on it. It probably looked horrendous underneath them. I quickly took my shower to the best of my abilities with the 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner and the men's old spice body wash. After a few minutes I turned off the shower and got out of it before drying off and then praying to whatever being in the sky, air, or ground around me and put on the clothes. I gathered my old clothes into a pile and set them in the corner for me to hopefully grab later if there is a later. With one last sigh I made my way out of the bathroom to be faced with Jeff holding a cup of water and a bottle of painkillers. He sat them down onto his nightstand before he stared at me. I stared at him and then awkwardly and mainly full of fear made my way to his bed and sat down. After a long silence I had enough courage to turn to him "Why won't you leave me alone? Kill me? Put me in a ditch? Anything?" I was stressed, tired, irritated, and this point ready to just be done with this. His pupils dilated slightly, "I..don't know, you make me feel curious." At least he seemed to be somewhat honest with me, he sat down next to me and stared his wide eyes into the side of my face.  "You make me curious about how one human can be differently developed than the rest" His eyes searched mine in a way to try and find something, something new. My eyes stared into his as he took in what seemed to be all of the thoughts in my head. "You're crazy" "I prefer the term psychotic" He grinned ear to ear at his smart remark. His hand reached for my shoulder and before he could grab it I head butted him. "Damn woman!" He grabbed his head quickly, "Don't touch me" I laid down onto his bed and turned away from him. At this rate I rather die trying then die not trying. His body twitched a bit which was shown from the slight shake of the bed, "I will be gone tonight the door will be locked don't try anything stupid while I'm gone." He seemed to be stupid enough to try and have that trust in me, it was like he thought that out of all of the people I wanted to hangout with he was the one I wanted to the most, well he is the furthest from being correct if that was true. "Go suck a dick while you're gone." My tone was cold, my eyes closed softly as the room was silent. He didn't make a remark, he didn't even move, he just laughed, he laughed so hard that it turned into a wheezing cackle. "Oh you are funny, so funny" His voice was colder than before. With a quick movement he had my hair in his grasp, "When I come back you better be in a better mood and watch what comes out of that pathetic human mouth of yours." He let go of my hair and got up from the bed, with a few rustling movements I heard him open the door and leave. After he shut the door I heard the handle rustle around a bit before it had made a clicking noise and it stopped moving. The footsteps of him faded as he made his way further and further away from the door. I groaned before I looked at my cast covered arm, I glanced over to the nightstand and saw a saw type of knife. With a huff I grabbed it and sat up. 'This is going to take awhile' with that thought I started to saw away at the cast that had incased my hand in its solid mold. About 20 minutes went by before it finally popped open and the dust from it settled into the air. I grabbed the cast and pulled it off only to gag at my hand. I bit my tongue to hold back the scream that almost left my lips. My hand was nearly sunken in and every bone was shown off through the skin in a crooked matter, the veins popped out and showed the thinness of my hand on display. He ruined me, my hand was ruined. A tear slipped from my eye as I stared at it.

I tried to bend my fingers only for cracking noises to come from my bones

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I tried to bend my fingers only for cracking noises to come from my bones. I could barely even move it, he truly had ruined me. My eyes filled up with tears before a sob rocked throughout my body, why can't I just go home? He won't just leave me alone. My eyes looked away from my hand and towards the cast, with as much strength as I had in me I picked it up with my other hand and threw it at a wall. I laid down into the somewhat comfortable bed and closed my eyes. This was enough stress for me today, I physically couldn't take any more emotional turmoil on my body or I would actually go insane. With the soft sounds of rain hitting his bedroom window I let my body lure me into what I hope to be a peaceful slumber that will lead me to wake up back in my bed with my cat Cheese and my father still alive and watching the news.

Word Count: 1559

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