Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

Did he really just say that? Am I dreaming? I feel everyone's eyes on me; I also see James getting ready to throw his fist in the air like he just won the Superbowl or something. I look Charlie in the eyes and smirk.

"Well, that was unexpected," I say.
"I'm feeling pretty lucky today," he says, smiling back.
"NICK FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ANSWER THE BOY'S QUESTION," James blurts out as everyone starts laughing.

I lean closer to Charlie and kiss him quickly on the cheek.

"That's a yes, by the way," I say, looking into his eyes again.

Everyone claps and says "aww" in unison. I find myself melting into Charlie as he puts his arm around me. I've never been one to be shy or get flustered but Charlie has a way of making me feel like a little kid. I am so giddy that I can't even try to hide the smile on my face. Best birthday ever.

I've never been one to be confident or the one that enjoys being the center of attention but Nick has a way of making me feel like I can conquer the world. Asking him to be my boyfriend was the easiest thing I've ever done. Nick buries his head into me as I put my arm around him. This is the best day ever.

"We better get going," James says as he looks at the time. "We need to walk this one home too," he continues as he rubs the top of Mia's head.
"Can I walk you home?" Nick asks.
"Your friends are all here," I say, blushing.
"We'll be fine here! Go walk your boyfriend home," Will says as he winks.

We all say goodbye and start to walk out.

"Ball's in your court James! I'll be waiting for your call," Erin says as we close the door.
"Um, what?!" I say. "What ball?! How did I miss this?!"

Mia laughs as James eyes meet Nick's.

"How dare you not tell me you have a beautiful best friend?!" He says as he smacks Nick's arm.

Nick laughs as he rubs his arm.

"I didn't know you were looking for anything," he says as he shrugs.
"Dude, I'm always looking," James says.
"That's because once the girls get passed your pretty face, they see just how truly insane you are and run for the hills," Mia jokes.
"So, you think I have a pretty face?" James asks as he smiles.

I place my hand on my forehead.

"You really are unbelievable," I say.
"ANYWAYS," James continues. "It happened while you two were upstairs talking about that mysterious phone call that I will for sure get all the details about from one of you. Mia is a very good wing-woman."
"I try," Mia says sarcastically.

Nick looks at me with a soft smile.

"Seems like we might have a couple to double date with," he says.
"YES! SO MUCH YES!" James exclaims. "Now we just need to find someone for Mia over here."
"I think I can handle that myself," she says.
"What did you think of Will?" Nick asks.
"Wh - Why? Did he say something?"
"Not yet. But you are his type. Beautiful, funny, smart."
"I've been friends with Charlie and James for years and I never hear compliments like this. Screw you guys, I'm only hanging out with Nick now," Mia says as everyone laughs.
"So, Will?"
"I mean, he's cute. But we didn't talk too much."
"Guess we'll have to change that next time," James says.
"James, how about you annoy only me and walk me home by yourself? Let these little lovebirds have this walk to themselves," Mia says.

'Cause I'd Find You In Any World (Nick and Charlie - Alternate Universe)Where stories live. Discover now