👀Red stained crown part two✔️

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Y/N pov
I had a little help getting ready I still wasn't well with putting on corsets as I had chosen my gown for tonight's ball my hair was being brushed by my maid lady as I had just put the final touches to my make up (whatever look your going for-)
"Oh (Maids Name) I'm so exhilarated for tonight's ball to see all my friends it's been so long since I've seen them but the ball is also for us to find our soon to be wed...I'm not sure if I can do this I've barely known anyone anymore.."
"Well..I know it is rather hard to choose someone over night in just hours...love shouldn't really work that way..but they say their should be a spark"
"Mhm I've heard the story of how your parents met...like tonight's ball they came of age I heard your father was a nervous wreck he wasn't that good with the ladies but then your mother came and asked him to dance I've never heard a woman be so bold to ask a prince to dance instead but they were dancing on that floor ever so gracefully..they talked all night not leaving each other's side until the night was over I heard that they kissed that very night as if it was meant to always be..a spark...that's how your father described it from what I heard at least"
"I knew my parents had such profound love but I didn't think their life was some sort of fairy tail "
"Oh but it was and then a few years down the road they had you.."
"Where did you hear this story from (maids name)?.."
"A good friend of mine who use to serve your father when he was younger before he passed away.."
"Oh I'm so sorry (Maids name)"
"It's quite fine dear...now don't you look beautiful"
"Why thank you (Maids name) I hope if I'm lucky enough I'll get that spark too..."
Peters pov
tonight's the night I'll be seeing y/n again..how long had it been?...5? Or maybe actually 4 years since I've seen her last...I wonder how she's been does she miss me? Does she realize her feelings for me?...
"Um your highness is this alright for you?.."
"🥀huh? Oh yes yes it's quite fine" I had wondered off again into this spiral of thoughts I need to focus on my appearance for tonight we leave by afternoon it's a long ride there but it's worth it
As I look in the relflection my hair had grown out so long (yes he has hair cause I say so-) I'll have I'm done in a bit after this maid finishes with this clothing as she's sewing up the part that was torn I didn't realize it had a rip so I called her in the patch it up I need to look my best after all
"D-done sir"
As I check myself she started speaking again
"You look very h-handsome your highness.."
"🥀 um..thank you?..you may leave now I can handle the rest."
"May I have a moment of your time sir I need to confess something to you.."
"🥀.....what is it." She had gotten closer...to close I only stepped away
"I-I know it can never be but I love you sire I have loved you as soon as I served you" she held my hands together
"Please tell me you feel the same way too! We can run away together!"
I only pulled my hands away rather quickly as this was horrid
"🥀 disgusting...I don't feel the same way in fact I'm rather distraught you ever thought I could feel such a thing for you."
"B-but I thought"
"🥀 you thought wrong now leave before you regret making that decision even more then you do right now."
Tears were at threat as she tried to hold them back only for her to run away a sobbing mess I scoffed how embarrassing
Looking in the mirror I calm myself I was showing a monstrous face I don't want that for y/n I need..to be..calm...*sigh* oh I'll be seeing you soon y/n
~few minutes later~
Sarah had also gotten ready looking ugly as ever getting in the carriage as I did too sitting across from her..
"🌸 so...why was the maid crying while running out of your room?"
"🥀That's none of your concern."
"🌸Oh quite the contrary brother she actually ran to tell me about it"
"🥀That little- what do I care she came onto me with her feelings I simply rejected them"
"🌸in the worst way possible actually you can't ever be nice can you?!"
"🥀 not like you hadn't rejected others I've seen how some stare at you even as ugly as you are!"
"🌸how dare you! I'm in fact very pretty that's why they are after me in the first place besides I just tell them no I don't replicate those emotions towards them they get heart broken but I don't send them sobbing out of my room!"
"🥀 who cares they are just servants of the castle nothing more nothing less"
"🌸 hmph even y/n would be disappointed in you."
"🌸got you there didn't I? That's why your so harsh on everyone who confesses to you your saving yourself for y/n hah!"
"🥀 so what if I am?! Who are you saving yourself up for then?!"
"🌸 oh I quite like y/n myself~"
"🥀 you little-"
"🌸 it's y/n's choice after all don't cry about it"
"🥀 oh yeah? What happens if she doesn't choose you as you choose her."
"🌸....I certainly won't be as horrid as you will be if she did...Peter."
"🥀you won't like getting in my way sarah."
"🌸so be it brother."
"🥀so be it sister."
Tks pov
Im rather nervous about tonight it's been quite some time since I've seen the others and y/n...
"Tk? Honey are you alright?.."
"🍵 h-huh? Oh yes I'm fine mother just a little nervous"
"Is it about that childhood friend of yours?"
"🍵 father please-"
"He is right though isn't he..."
"🍵...yeah..it's been so long now what if she's in love already..."
"Even if she is darling it's alright you'll find someone too this ball is rather a magical time for your age"
"🍵 because it's how you and dad met right?.."
"Not just us but the other kingdoms you see and hear from"
"🍵 will I even be as lucky?..finding the one.."
"Oh certain of it dear your going to do splendid you'll see"
"If you need some tips to charm y/n though just let me know I charmed your mom after all"
"🍵from a wholesome moment this went to an embarrassing one real fast dad" only to softly laugh at our conversation as we arrived getting off the carriage I can only hope...I think I love y/n...from the last time I saw her this strange feeling stuck with me...I can only hope maybe she feels the same way..
~minutes later~
The ballroom was filled with life as the moon was out the night grew beautiful by the second the sun went down stars were watching over, it is a magical night to behold as the royals were getting to know one another...y/n you'll have to make a choice now won't you?
(You'll be having a single interaction with all of them for this part)
Y/ns pov
Sighing as I see through the window the guests already filling in I feel so nervous I wish I could see my friends first but I can't tell who's who from up here-
"💟 yyyyy/nnnn!~ "
"! Lucy you scared me!"
"💟 Hehe sorry about that- oh y/n you look amazing"
"T-thanks I mean I must look my best for tonight you know...you look amazing yourself"
"💟 awe we'll thank you but not as beautiful as you"
"Oh come on now I've seen the guys gawk at you your beautiful"
"💟Y/n they are fun and all but really I just use them for fun they don't really mean much...besides their eyes wander at you too...your gorgeous y/n"
"💟Of course your amazing and to be putting up with me too is truly amazing not even my parents do.."
She laid her head on my shoulder as I softly stroked her hair
"I'm so sorry Lucy.."
"💟 it's fine y/n...besides because of them I got to be around you..I love spending my time with you your amazing"
"Pft your amazing too lucy your such a wonderful friend" as I hug her she felt so warm this felt a little different then usual it was soft..it was nice.. but she soon pulled away
"💟 you should really get going don't want to waste your time the ball has just begun"
"Won't you come with?"
"💟I will I just need to do something first...you know gotta look good and double check I'll meet you there alright?"
And with that she got up and left I questioned why but I only shook it away and got up myself and headed there...
First things first I must head to the garden I went to the main kitchen I'm surprised they didn't spot me as I took some food and headed back I never forgot about these little critters and the big ones
"🌸 still the sweetest thing aren't you?"
? I turn around to see Sarah! She's so close to my face but I hug her happily
"Oh Sarah! It's been to long I've missed you dearly!"
"🌸 y/nnnn~ I've missed you too you grew so beautifully~ and that cute sweet part of you never left did it?"
"Awe I wouldn't call it that but it's so wonderful to see you again how have you been!?"
"🌸 I've been quite fine besides my elderly ugly brother as you remember him"
"Oh I remember although I don't remember him being ugly"
"🌸trust me he is but enough about him we haven't talked enough about the fairest princess in all the lands~" as she closely hugs me I question who she's talking about
"🌸 Y / N. L / N ~" I feel my cheeks heat up as well as my ears when she whispered that into my ear I didn't know how to feel about that rather strange is it not? I mean I just woah it is rather a lot to take in
"Y-your to kind sarah"
"🌸 only to you y/n~"
"You mean that?"
"🌸with all my heart y/n~"
I laugh nervously something feels different in the air
"🥀 Sarah I've been looking for you-....everywhere..."
I hear that voice and look behind Sarah in surprise as her face looks troubled
"🌸 what Peter."
I felt a tug as Sarah pulled me close in her arms her hand on my head
"🌸 isn't she just darling brother~ she's grown to be such a beautiful young lady hasn't she~"
"🌸 oh...you don't think so?"
"🥀 that's not what I-"
"🌸 tsk tsk poor y/n doesn't deserve your opinion since you can't say anything to her"
"🥀 Sarah don't twist my words around....didn't even say anything "
"🌸 you didn't say anything I assume you hesitated hmph"
Oh brother and sister they always bickered that's one thing I didn't enjoy could never get along they both look rather lovely this night
But I can't handle this
As soon as they were focused on bickering on each other I slipped away back inside
Only to see heaven
So much to dive into the chefs really did amazing on this one
I took more then I could chew with me these sweets are amazing
I mean I had to theres so many guests who knows what would've been taken
"🍵 not gonna share or what?"
I look around the corner
I got up I went to hug them
"Oh tk is that really you? It's been so long how have you been?"
"🍵 it's me y/n I've been doing just fine and you?"
We pull away smiling their cheeks dusted in pink
They look different as well
"I-I'm good ya know oh did you want some...I snuck away from the crowds and fed the animals outside hehe"
"🍵 Pft haha same old y/n never change although...you look beautiful"
They took a couple of treats into their hands humming in delight at the taste
"Thank you tk...you look quite amazing yourself "
Tk giggles and holds up one of the tarts in their hand towards me as I childishly take a bite out of it
"Mmmm it's so perfectly sweet ^^....tk?"
Tk just stared...in awe?
"Something wrong?" I look behind me but nothing there
"🍵 n-no it's nothing ....just admiring"
Oh....I realize what they mean as they put a hand behind their neck blushing looking away as I do the same but well the plate in my hands
We were both stuck on what to say
"🍵 y/n....I-"
"🥀 theeere you are my darling~"
I nearly drop the plate when I felt a hand at my waist pulling me at them
"🥀 apologies for my and my sisters gamble with words....oh...tk..."
"🍵 Peter."
"🥀 been awhile huh...hows your training going..."
"🍵 going splendid actually....yours?"
"🥀 only but the best....for y/n"
Excuse me why me-
Oh no...
"Um it's been awhile maybe we should get everyone else ^^ remembered how we messed with the guests that time as children?-"
"🍵 cocky as always huh"
"🥀 and you? You couldn't even hold that sword up against me in that fight"
"What fight?..."
"🍵 y/n it's nothing"
"🥀 we challenged one another....for your hand in marriage"
"🥀 ah after that night when we first met you....darling~"
"🥀 poor tk lost...."
Worried I look at tk then Peter about to say sometning
"🍵 rematch...."
"🥀 what"
"🍵I said let's have a rematch....Peter king."
"🥀 oh this will be fun~"
They both look at me
"You can't just fight each other for my hand I make my decisions I get a say in this neither of you can take me as you please"
I put the plate on a nearby table and turn looking at them
"I'll choose who I want to be with and if it's neither of you don't even think about making a fuss."
I walk away I almost gained a headache out of it
Fools...seriously fighting each other like that
I mean yes we caused quite some trouble around the place the first time we met but that's different we were doing it together
Not against each other
Everything does change when you grow up doesn't it....
Did...I bump into a wall? I swear I know my way around-
"My deepest apologies sire I didn't see you there"
"💼 you're fine kid...hey don't I know you?"
He comes close looking at my face
....I remember him too!
"💼 so it is you y/n my you changed"
I did change my appearance in hair and well this make up
"💼 but not bad I assume because of it many will want you hand in marriage"
"Oh don't remind me."
"💼Oh? You seem to be upset?..."
"No just...okay maybe a little it's just I was hoping to see everyone again...together like we were as children...having fun talking catching up but it's as if everyone's at each others throats...why"
"💼 well it's a close friend group...and sometimes in that group some of you catch feelings...weather it be a love triangle or square it complicate's things for you...and them..."
"Then what can I do?..."
"💼 not much that I'm aware of...you can't stop people from what their feeling....we aren't off and on switches..."
"💼 but you can still try to talk if that doesn't work out that's fine it's meant to be as it is..."
"Then what about you Don?...you were older then us so you found yours didn't you?..."
"💼we...didn't work out...."
"I'm sorry Don..."
"💼It's fine made an eir to the throne at the least"
"💼 Who knows either single for life or I'll find someone again..."
"I hope so...everyone deserves the right person or happiness in their own way at the very least..."
"💼 yeah...anyways let's go"
"💼 well you want to be with your friends again don't you? Can't do that if you hide away from the problem"
He's right....oh Don
I gave him a hug
"Thank you..."
"💼 no problem kid now come on"
I giggle as he pulls me with
He's very mature and helps out quite nicely
Helping me find Lucy first as usual she's messing around
For some reason Don covered my eyes
What am I? A kid?
Finding Sarah was easy too
Who could miss that soft pink on her
She clung onto me the whole time as we found Peter and tk....
Dam them
"Why are you guys up there?!"
They look down at us all from the building they are on
"🍵 y/n it isn't what you think-"
I raise a brow crossing my arms
"The swords say otherwise"
"🍵.....okay it is what you think it is-"
"🌸 oh brother could never quit could you"
"🥀 you shut your mouth sarah"
They both stick their tongues out at each other
"💼 alright children settle down and get down here"
Pft he's mocking them
"💼 or else...."
What's he got up his sleeve-
I'm off the ground the next second
"💼 or the y/n gets hurt-"
"Don put me down!"
"💼 choose wisely"
I go limp it was futile to keep moving like that he had a grip on me
As I sigh I hear them both get down and look to see them in front of me
"Awe you guyssss"
I get put down the next ad everyone's looking at me again.
That never felt nice
"Um...you know I really missed this right? We use to get along so well as children with messing around...then we grew up things changed of course I can't stop that but I don't want to stop what we have...you guys were my first friends I grew up alone...until I met you...then we got busy doing our duties as the next in line then I find this happening"
I hand gesture to tk and Peter
"Can we put the feelings aside and make the most of this night...from what we have left?...."
Don from the back just gives a thumbs up
This felt rather corny but I'm really trying....
"🍵 fine....only if Peter doesn't start anything-"
"🥀 only if you don't try nothing "
Tk crosses his heart and gives Peter a look as Peter rolled his eyes showing a hand to tk as they shake on it
"🌸 fucking finally you two are the worst"
Sarah gets on my arm and so does Lucy
"💟 so what's the plan y/n?"
I think for a moment then smirk looking at them as they questioned what I had in mind...
This will be fun.
Times ticking y/n
You have to choose someone
Sorry this took so long as I've mentioned very busy but I'm still gonna get chapters out or one shots that is I hope you enjoyed this it was a bit rushed
Now seriously comment at least tell me who you would choose-)
3237 words)

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