🍋Sins to be payed ✔️

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Sins to be payed ( priest Peter y/n nun au since apperanrly Peter was ace before meeting y/n why not put it together with this au I'm making shit up as I go
an uh sorry I say wrong things I'm not to informed on this stuff-)
Credit to The artist if anyone knows who it is-)
Peter pov:
*sigh* another pleasant day as the birds sung their morning tune and the plants were growing ever so gracefully after high school or what I still call hell..for me...I had changed my ways..and considering I feel nothing
really I changed my path to god..although I feel I am not who I think I am to be in this church none the less I do my duty as to guide helpless hopeful sinners I heard we are to welcome a new sister though..great more people..none the less I shall greet and welcome them like everyone else
As the day passed doing our usuals the new nun was gonna be late at this point time has passed... hm what did i expect so troublesome maybe she isn't coming after all
I clean up the church and everyone is headed off to their rooms as I hear a knock on the doors opening them up to see someone drenched in the pouring rain..now when did it rain though..
"I-I'm sorry I'm late I didn't mean to sir" that voice..
I look down to see who's speaking as they looked up at me..Is this an angel?..has god given me one of his prized jewels she's so beautiful..
I realize I'm staring oh dear-
"🥀 y-your fine my dear please come in your drenched you'll catch a cold like this" getting out of the way I let her in closing the doors and getting a towel to cover her..her skin is soft it's gorgeous this feeling is strange..
"T-thank you I'm really sorry I'm late there was things to do and I-"
"🥀 shhh your alright now darling no need to apologize your fine"
I give her a pleased smile as she softly smiled back at me before turning around and looking at the place, god you really have given me a wonderful angel
I walk up beside her as she looked around curiously she's so cute but I really should get her out of those clothes..c-cause she'll catch a cold
"🥀 you really should head to bed but I think you may need a shower here first allow me to show you to the bathrooms you can start tomorrow darling I'll bring you a change of clothes as well" she only nodded and followed along as i show her to the shower telling her I'd be right back grabbing a pair of clothing we have for nights like this I wonder shouldn't she have brought her stuff?..hm strange I walk back an knock on the door she opens it..she's wrapped in a towel but..
"Oh thank you I won't be long I'll finish up quickly" she closes the door I felt..something my face felt hot and my heart..I don't know what's gotten into me my chest feels tight I couldn't utter a single word I-is this that feeling?..love?..oh it's wonderful I feel so happy..I feel joy...aaand I feel something strange down there..! I-I need to take care of this or something think think think oh I'll be back my darling I must get rid of this first.
Y/N pov
Oh I feel foolish being late and drenched from the rain I didn't even pack my stuff and bring it maybe I'll get it tomorrow
If he lets me..
it's kind enough the...priest gave me some clothes and a warm shower he seems very kind..what beautiful eyes he has though...hm
darn I forgot to ask his name i hum a song in the shower washing myself as I turn off soon enough drying myself and putting the clothes on I wonder where I put my old clothes..I'll just take them with so he shows me where I'll be staying i pat my hair dry with the towel and put it to dry on the shower curtain grabbing my clothes opening the door "?..." I look about,nothing there where did he go? Maybe back in the church room...
I make my way there to suddenly hear...m-moans?
"🥀 a-ahh~ my sweet angel~"
I cover my eyes hiding away as soon as I saw h-he's touching himself oh no I can't watch this now
Oh sinful of him...~
"🥀 oh darling~ how you tempt me~"
I-I'm barely here and he's already dreaming of such sinful things of me
I walk away back to the shower I'm trying not to get caught as I do
A priest that touches himself as soon as he saw me...he barely knows me...
Peter pov
I never felt such pleasure in my life...seeing her...imagine how her skin feels...those eyes...this feels to soon to think of though I must get to know her first...I'll do what I must to get her attention to only me....for her to love me...
I found her outside the shower
"Hello sir...um may I ask what were you doing when I was showering?..."
"🥀nothing to be worried about dear just a nightly prayer before I go off to bed...do you wish to pray as well?.."
"O-oh no no I'll do that where I sleep...which reminds me where will I sleep?.."
"🥀oh right yes follow me dear the rooms are just that way"
As I lead her to her new room she looked around and thank me as I told her the proper clothes will be in the closet if there is any fitting problems she can come to me...I mean she could just ask the other nuns but it would be nice for her to ask for my help
"Well thank you very much father..?"
"🥀 oh right well...father is a bit much honestly to me it was a bit much all the time but you may call me Peter darling"
"Peter darling?...~" there was a different tone when she said that...didn't pay mind to it to much I liked it...
"🥀 heh you know what I mean...darling"
"Hehe yeah..well I better head off to bed"
"🥀 wait before you do why don't you let me take that for you I'll have the others wash it and bring it to you to put away..it is your clothing after all...will you bring more?"
"Oh thank you very much Peter and of course this can't be all I brought you know.." she hands me her clothes..she seems so trusting to me...good
"🥀 well then goodnight.."
"Goodnight Peter" then she finally closes the door I didn't hear anything else
"🥀 goodnight my angel..."
I head off her clothing in my hands..I mustn't...
...temptation gets to me as I had went to my room smelling her shirt
It's rather a intoxicating scent addictive as any drug or alcohol...at least to me as something fell when I picked up the shirt
. . . Does this mean she went to be without...
Oh darling I can't think like this it'll drive me mad I need to stop before I get out of hand...seems I've sinned today..
~the next day~
I wake up to see the sun still needs time to rise
I look at the clock it is rather early..
And I need to wash these clothes of hers...before they wake
I get up I have a few hours to wash these and attempt to dry them up and make it seem the sisters did it in their laundry room
Getting up was much easier then expected usually I feel to drained...to...tired
I usually don't bother to hard to get up only push myself cause I have duties like when a funeral is planned or even a wedding
Or Sundays..
This time it didn't feel like that..I have something to look forward to...
H e r
It's early I get up taking the clothing to the laundry room washing them up...get the gunk out...finally washed off I hang them to dry them attempt to dry them faster squeeze out the water and flap them in the air the panties...dried faster the pants and shirt needed a little more time but after they finally did I fold them up and leave them there
Cause the nuns don't know which room she is in so it would be odd to leave them at her door I'll just wait to tell one someone else washed it and they should hand it to her
I sigh as I head off to grab clothes I do need to shower for the day
Getting my clothes, towel, body soap and such heading off closing the door as I get lost in my thoughts turning on the water...
I wash myself automatically but my mind is else where...
I wonder how y/n is...Is she sleeping well?...wonder why she's here...what does she like?...would she maybe like me?...I'll do anything for her...
I feel I'm getting ahead of myself in these thoughts I finish up quickly and dry myself off with the towel I have my clothes ready there for me seeing my own reflection...
....I shake it off as I felt I saw a shadow behind me but I dress myself coming out taking my stuff back it's it'll be almost time for everyone to wake
I make my way to the altar having everything prepared after prayers with the towns people they'll be coming to me to...admit their sins...you know those kind of things..
"Um Peter?..." !
"🥀 oh y/n your awake-" ....that outfit seems baggier then I thought
I mean it's suppose to be covering her whole body but it's not very fell fitting as it should be
"It seems it's a big bigger then what it's suppose to be...mind helping a girl out?"
"🥀 o-of course darling right this way"
Hm I can only imagine ho heavenly her body must be under there..
No don't have these thoughts I just need to help out with the clothing
"The head piece could be a bit smaller"
"🥀 strange I don't think the clothing was this big before we have extra sizes to fit just your size here this one should better"
"Thanks I'll change and we can see if it's better"
"🥀 of course an I'll give you extra of those sizes to put into the closet"
I smile as she closes the door to try it on until she came back out...
"U-um this one's to tight sir... I can't even get the head piece to fit all together"
.....how did I mis calculate I'm sure the size I gave her could fit
More importantly no dress could be this short her legs are showing...
"🥀 I-I'll let you choose this time seems I have poor judgement in size"
"Alright thank you" as she did this time when she came out it fit as it should...she looked so beautiful her face is everything it's enough to make me swoon
"🥀 you look amazing y/n..."
"Awe..why thank you Peter...we should get going it's almost time isn't it?"
"🥀 ah right yes we should the others are most likely getting ready now"
And so we head off...another day...but better
~after them prayers cause Idk~
That was a bit tiresome as now it is time where people come to confess sins or ask for guidance
People come in and out...come and go some are barely even a sun they are over reacting...and some I shall call the police for cause lord knows I need to-
It seems there were no more I sighed just as I was about to come out I heard the other side open
"I have something to confess...Peter"
I can only see part of her face from the other side to me her lips are in a form as if she's in thought
"🥀 Well...no judgement here..go on.."
"You see...I'm not who others assume I am.."
I'd assume your an angel sent from above...
"I am..not holy.."
But divine aren't you...~
God I need to shut up
"And recently....I met someone...I barely know him yet...I touch myself thinking about him~"
.....name and address now
Who the hell could she be talking about
Other then that knowing that she touches herself drives me mad...
"A-anyways that's all I must say for now I must go"
"🥀 w-wait!"
As soon as I got out to see her on the other side pushing the curtain

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