🍋Special services~✔️

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You can guess
You already know what this is about to be-
Dirty mind 🫵🏻 simps-)
Anyways credit to @petersbodyguard on tumbler
Peters pov
How did I even get here.....
*cue in the strip club music*
What the fu-
"Peterrrr your awake!" (Insert that avatar meme image)
Who...who is this guy-
"Dude you passed out after one drink your so light huh?"
"🥀who....are you?-"
"Dude it's me, ______ your f r i e n d"
"🥀. . . . I don't have fri-"
"Anywaaaayss aren't you having fun? Look at all the hotties here"
Oh no....
I look to the sides and barely realizing where I am
......the strip club
"🥀This isn't my kind of place...I'm asexual and or aro-"
"Shhh we're about to see the dancers~"
Seriously who the fuck is this guy
How did I get here
Was I trying to drink away the pain and sorrows again
.....he has to be drunk too....wait how did he know my name
.....god what did I do to deserve this-
"And now ladies and gentleman welcome the new finest senoritaaaas~"
I'm just gonna avert my eyes away from them
I can just hear the other horny fucks cheering whistling at them
I don't care what they do it's none of my business it's just the fact I've been forced here somewhere I don't personally enjoy that's all-
....I say I'm asexual and aromantic
Even though I long for something
I long for love I envy those who have a partner to share those feelings
Love, lust,comfort....happiness...
But it's never happened I never got a partner I never got a crush not even admiration for a persons beauty weather inside or outside beauty I yearn to feel such a thing
This may be the place to feel lust but I want it to come with love....
"Dude she's checking you out!"
What now-
Who...is she....
Wait she's looking at me I want to avert my eyes but I can't look away
She even winked at me twirling on that pole
Wait she's walking towards me
Shit shit shit shit-
"You look rather lonely there huh big guy~"
"🥀 I-I um"
I felt a nudge looking to my side the guy is just grinning
"He sure is why don't you show him a good time~" what pissed me off more was him putting that tip in her thong slapping her ass
......this douchebag-
"Will do~" I glared at him until I felt her pull me off the couch we were sitting at as she pulled me into one of the rooms
At this point I'm breathing heavily as she closed the door behind me I look around the room seeing what's in here as I turn around to see her looking at me
"🥀I-I um well-"
"It's okay we don't have to do anything"
"🥀 huh?-"
"I saw you out there looking rather pissed off then sad I thought you could use the get away"
"🥀 o-oh"
"I am sorry if that scene made it awkward your friend there is rather touchy-"
"🥀 ugh...he's not my friend..."
"Oh? Then brother or?"
"🥀 no no he's nothing to me funny story I woke up here he somehow knows my name he brought me here from the bar aaand well I'm a light drinker..."
"......are you...stupid?-"
Excuse me-
"Dear you don't drink at a bar and pass out who knows what could've happened to you geez"
She reaches at the side of her thong giving me the guys tip
"Here maybe you can get yourself a ride home I've gotten enough tips from the people here...and it doesn't seem you have your wallet"
Wait what
I look in my pockets
I sigh in frustration
"🥀 no no you keep it I'm pretty sure I had it when I went into the bar think he has my stuff I don't even have my phone"
".....see this is why you don't drink and pass out the next or have a RELIABLE person to keep an eye on you that isn't gonna drink"
"🥀 I...wasn't thinking"
"Bet you weren't but I have an idea since the guy has your stuff"
She sits me down on the bed then walks back to the door
"I'll be right back ^^"
She closes the door after her
.....what is she gonna do....
Y/Ns pov
Another day another dollar at the strip club lucy and I decided to work here after dads dam diner didn't work out
"💟 ready for another night?"
"Yeah just as long as we don't get harassed it's been good so far..."
"💟 we can always look for another job if this one gets to much"
"But then the pole dancing lessons were for nothing~"
"💟 that was hell-"
"You think?" Geez I remember first starting with Lucy we were newbies
Although pole dancing was fun it got easier the more time we practiced and gave more confidence to myself in a way I didn't think I'd be able to work here cause of my body shape not being the Pixar moms body
Or kardashian
(Sorry if you do have that body type tho everyone is perfect the way they are)
When first working here there was definitely some ladies who got a couple of things done but also some with natural bodies thick and thin short or tall
All very beautiful....
Anyways I'm getting ahead of myself in my thoughts I don't do services I just do the dancing lucy does the uh...services she doesn't mind she did it anyways at our apartment
Except not getting paid for it...
Now she does
Good thing she knows most of these people
Fuck buddies am I right?
This night was different as I was getting ready in the rooms these heels were hard to walk in as well I'd always trip-
Sometimes I still do just not here I'd practice at home to get better at it here
Taking the robe off as I heard them announcing us newbies cause at first we worked here as waitresses
But now we're going on stage I do my best
Takes a lot of upper strength for this I'm so glad the lights are dimmed and different colored
Hearing those cheers are flattering but also sometimes a bit worrisome considering some major creeps...
Anyways as I twirled around the pole then hang upside down you know strip shit
I then spot a man ahead of me...he looks...so upset...
Maybe he doesn't want to be here he looks pissed at this other guy...poor thing......maybe I can help out...
After that whole fiasco he seems like a nice yet not so bright guy to have been drinking out all alone like that he definitely needed this
I walk up to lucy making sure the guy doesn't see me
"Psst luce over here"
"💟 huh? Y/n? Back already? Oh was that guy not able to last that long?-"
"What? Oh no no no Lucy we haven't done anything I need your help you see, the guy was drunk he woke up here and that guy" I point at the so called friend of his he was with discreetly trying to show where my eyes were looking at
"He doesn't know him at all he doesn't have his wallet phone or any of it I assume the jerk has it"
"💟 oh...ooohhh....so you want me to get him~"
"Exactly- I mean have your fun with him but I do need to go through his pants see if he has his stuff"
"💟 I got this I'll leave the door unlocked be quick I'll distract as much as I can the guy could be one to last only a few seconds" Pft he seems like it
And with that Lucy got up and left I hid away watching where they went how she seduced him into coming with her to pay for a round with her
She's pretty good at this
I follow after them as she looked at me closing the door giving me a wink I nod waiting a bit to hear some noise coming from the room
Hope it's a position where he can't see me-
I open the door slowly to see the pants on the floor
As I rummage through them quickly
Shit I can't tell the phones which one would be his wallet was easy his ID was in there and a photo
....of a cute snake wait it's the same snake on the wallpaper of one of the phones
I put back the douchebags stuff and leave getting off from the floor
I wasn't gonna stand , he would have defiantly saw me then closing the door as slowly and quietly
walking away quickly as soon as I could getting back into the room
Peters pov
I've waited for awhile now sitting on the bed my leg bouncing in anticipation
She couldn't have seduced him right? It's taking so long now I wonder what was her plan
Is she seducing him?
Is she with him now
Has she been taken?-
No no....right?
Just as I was about to get up
I hear the door open and close right away seeing her there then smile up at me awkwardly
How cute
"I found your stuff here ya go"
She hands me a phone and wallet I turn on my phone to see rats picture
Oh rat must be so worried about me I don't even know how long I've been gone now
"Cute snake you have there Peter"
....awe she found my ID finding out my name
Not a great picture honestly
"🥀T-thanks her names rat heh thank you so much for getting my stuff back....how'd you do it?..."
"Easy I asked my friend to seduce him and leave the door open so I can rummage through his pants and well I figured out what was yours"
Oh thank god it wasn't her getting close to him as I sigh in relief
"You got your stuff you should get going before the guy noticed and creates a scene I'll most likely report him though since now we have footage of what happened"
"🥀 o-oh right...can't stay here any longer heh" she's so sweet
Dam...but maybe I'll see her again
After that she walked me out calling out to a cab for me saying our farewells
I really like her....
I wish to see her again....
And from that day on
I've admired her from afar....
Then I got closer
Of course I did visit her
Found out where she lived
Her occupation did rather...aggravate me...
All those pigs looking at her wanting to ravish her
When that should be me...
Just m e
"Peter?...hey bud something wrong?"
"You zoned out again"
"🥀 oh sorry y/n just thinking a lot recently..."
"Wanna talk about it?..."
"🥀 just...would you ever quit working here?..."
"🥀 would you...ever leave this place?"
"Oh well I mean when I get enough money I should...still remember how we first met?"
"🥀Pft don't remind me darling "
Actually yes please do I love all the memories of you in it
"Your dumbass drank yourself into a dam coma and ended up in a strip club cause of some random guy
Turned out he was drunk but also a con artist he slipped up meeting you"
Loved you ever since y/n...
"Why are you looking at me that way?"
"🥀 n-no reason heh its uh getting late isn't it"
"Guess it is....and Peter"
"🥀 what?"
I felt soft warm lips touch my cheek
"Thank you..."
I was lost for a second not sure what to say next I had to process that kiss oh how I wanted more
"🥀for what?"
"Coming into my life"
Oh my heart-
"Your a very sweet guy Peter...what ever partner you get is very lucky...ever since we met you always had been so sweet...not a pervert(ironic) at first I thought maybe cause you were gay but you told me otherwise" she giggles at the comment
I roll my eyes playfully as I bring her into a hug
"🥀Your lucky I love you..."
I pulled off awkwardly as it seemed she looked up at me in pure joy without a smile
Like a cat first seeing Christmas lights (if you get it you get it)
The twinkle in her eyes
My heart melts every-time
"🥀 ah- it was nothing"
"Say it again"
"🥀 what"
"I want you to say it again"
She pulled me close by the shirt
Our faces almost touching I was a flustered mess
But I pulled myself together and looked at her in the eyes
"🥀 I love you y/n....loved you since the moment you helped me out of that place...and yet I came back...just to see you..."
Her cheeks flush in rose pink
Could not help but caress her face close and softly kiss her
A passionate yet slow kiss to show I meant every word I said
A soft gasp for air once we pulled apart still cupping her face
Her warm cheeks dusted with pink
Those eyes will forever have a grip on mine
"I love you too..."
"🥀you have no idea how much joy this brings me y/n"
"Oh Peter..."
"💟 get a room you two!"
! I forgot I'm at y/ns place we are on the balcony
"💟 whaaaaat not like you guys haven't thought of each other that way "
We both looked away flustered
"💟 just giving a nudge is all unless y'all wanna take it slow understandable I'm going to bed night y/n!"
We hear her door shut from inside
Honestly I think even neighbors heard the conversation
People love to listen into others business
"S-so um it's getting rather late isn't it?"
"🥀 y-yeah I should probably get going"
"Or maybe you can spend the night here..."
"🥀 h-here ?"
She nodded heading back inside not even seeing if I say yes or no
Like I'd say no
Getting closer with my darling is everything~
Will I sleep in her room right next to her?
Oh yes please
I eagerly come back inside locking the door on the way in
Wouldn't want any creeps coming inside now do we...
I look behind me to see darling setting up the couch with pillows and blankets
....its sweet and disappointing at the same time but understandable
I must not force it right?
"W-well there ya go Wouldn't want you to go out and alone at this time it's rather dangerous even for a guy...considering how we met-"
I rolled my eyes smirking
"🥀 you'll never let that go will you"
"Just a constant reminder for safety that's all~"
She teasingly brushes my shoulder before walking away to her room
"Goodnight Peter..."
"🥀 goodnight darling...sweet dreams~"
I lay in the couch taking off my shoes as she closed her door I sigh breathing in the blanket
I know these are her's so sweet my dear y/n~
As I softly shifted into a comfortable position on this couch I lay awake for quite a bit not able to sleep hearing every little noise from a little creak coming from the walls to the wind pushing against the window balcony...
I wonder how my darling is doing
I'm not watching her beautiful figure sleeping this time...
As I think that I hear a door open but I wait to see who it is
I turn over to look up
I smile softly seeing her
"🥀 yes darling?"
"Could you...um well don't mean to sound like a child...but well if you want to I won't force you could you-"
"🥀 sleep with you?-"
"🥀my my darling so bold and naughty of you~"
"I- Peter!"
"🥀 What will the children if they see us holding handssss~"
"Pft- oh my god Peter I'll just go"
I smirk and pull her back into my lap
"🥀 now now I didn't tell you my answer~"
"🥀 yes~ ^^"
"Peter you cheeky bastard-"
Only for you y/n....all of it is only for you...
I let her get up as she entangled my hand in hers bringing me to her room closing the door as she laid in bed getting comfortable
Eagerly I get in with her as we lay there staring at one another but not even a minute she shyly looks away
"What? Why are you staring"
"🥀 I could ask the same thing"
I cup her face to look at me again
"Peter I..."
"🥀 yes?"
"....i love you"
"🥀 I love you too darling....no idea how happy that makes me"
She smiled so brightly as I pulled her into a soft kiss and into my arms
Never have I ever felt so at ease to sleep in such a way
Her body against mine
Fitting as if we were meant for each other
Our breathing softly soothing us
The beat of our hearts intertwining
Soon I fell into deep slumber
I never felt so happy...
Y/n's Pov
Mmm...that might've been the best sleep I've gotten in awhile
I turn a but opening my eyes seeing it's daylight now
Turning back over to see Peter peacefully at ease in sleep
So cute...I never seen him this relaxed...
I smile and kiss his cheek softly getting up
I'll let him rest longer I need to check how much time I have until work-
I panicked and got out of the room to check on Lucy
I get her back up in a panic as she looked at me confused until I told her
Now we're both panicking and trying to get our shit together
Not long she was about to leave but I had one more thing to do
I left Peter a little note and soft kiss to his lips
I could leave a text but a note is cuter
He looks so cute asleep...
Shit I gotta go
I hope I see him soon
Peter's pov
Ugh...how long have I been asleep?...
It's a little bright but not for long...
I get up realizing y/n isn't there I panic until I see the note beside me
'Dear Peter, you looked so peaceful asleep like that I didn't wish to wake you make sure to get yourself breakfast you know where to find me
love y/n XOXO'
I sigh in awe
She's so sweet
I get up to get my shoes back I might as well get cleaned up at my place before I see darling...wellllll I have a few minutes I can spare
maybe just peak at her stuff~
Y/N's pov
God this shit is such a work out when it starts getting late
I wonder if Peter will get here anytime soon..
Miss the dumbass already
I sigh and continue on with my job
That was until I caught someone's eye,..
"Hey pretty little lady~"
Oh god please be an easy drunk to push away
"Yes sir how may I help you? ^^"
"I'd like a room with you sweetie~"
"S-sorry sir i don't do that sort of service I only preform on the pole or guests-"
He got a little to close cornering me
Fuck where's Lucy when you need her
I tried to push him off
"Um sir please could you get off"
"Oh come on just this one time I promise to be gentle~"
I'm close to puking this sick fuck really is trying
As I was about to call for security or just do it my dam self
The man was pulled off of me in a flash to look down at where he was thrown
Rightfully so Peter came in the Nick of time
But oh did it feel so different...
I felt the air get cold
Dead silent when the man fell Peter didn't even look at me when I said his name
"You son of a bitch!-"
He was just about to get up till Peter kicked him back down rather harshly
Seeing as what was about to happen I had ran to pull Peter back
I couldn't let himself get into trouble they'd take him out of here
I don't want that...
I called out for security to take the drink man out pulling Peter further back
"Peter please look at me"
I was scared
I never seen this side of him those cold yet enraged burning eyes slowly seemed to soften up when he turned towards me and brought me into his arms
"🥀are you okay darling?..."
"Yes I'm fine Peter are you alright?"
Looking up to cup his face the calm sweet smile came back to me
I sighed softly reaching up to kiss him only to notice everyone's stare
I froze there as Peter noticed pulling me towards one of the private rooms
"🥀 you didn't seem to like being stared at for someone who works in this sort of environment..."
"Well they were staring at us and I got flustered plus what will my boss think...can I even have a boyfriend while I work in this place-"
I got pushed down onto the bed as Peter crawled onto me my face burning up
"🥀Maybe you should quit this place then~ stay with me~ y/n~"
I gasp as he lowered his head down onto my neck first feeling his breath against until he sunk his teeth into my skin oh god how my body jumped at the painful feeling yet all that came out of me was pure joy
Gasping at such a little thing as I reached holding his head
"M-maybe I will~ ah~"
He kept going at it just a bit more his body laying against mine as I feel something harden down there I look away when he got up starting to strip his clothing off I peek to see what I like~
But shyly looked as he started to rip off my clothing as well
If you can even call them that
"🥀 is that so?~"
I nod
Only for him to get in between my legs I attempt to cover myself a bit
That was until I felt his cock rest on my pussy up to my clit
Oh fuck-
"🥀 what's wrong darling?~"
He got closer down to me in my ear
"🥀 tell me~"
I melt at that
Fuck whys he so hot all of a sudden
"Y-you feel good~"
"🥀 oh is that right?~"
He smirks lining up his cock and pushes it in all the way in
"O-oh fuck!~"
"🥀oh darling~ ah~"
His moans make this even hotter
"🥀 you feel even better~"
I melt at his words I reached up for him to bring him down wrapping my arms around him
"p-please go slow~"
As I requested he did and I was at loss in my lust wrapping my legs around his waist wanting him deep inside me as I moaned softly at every thrust feeling him rub every part of my walls hearing his moans so close to my ears making me more wet getting me all excited at his reactions
"O-oh Peter~ oh fuck yes~ ah~"
"🥀 oh y/n~ you feel so fucking good~"
"Ah~ oh god~ oh~"
Hearing how our skin to skin thrusts sound echoing in the room I yearn for more
"H-harder~ ah~"
As if waiting internally he wasted no time lifting himself up getting a hold of my legs onto his shoulders pinning my arms down and roughly fucks me
"Oh!~ agh!~ fuck yes ah!~"
I could feel each thrust seemingly get deeper I can feel it at my stomach a strange sensation
I couldn't help but love it
How I look up at him his facial reactions and moans making it feel hotter
God I love him so much I could satisfy him forever
"🥀 oh darling~ fuck this pussy is so good~"
"Y-your cock feels amazing too~ a-ah!~"
I gasped at the feeling
"F-fuck ah!~"
His rough thrusts were amazing I couldn't help but want to cum so badly
He is going so much rougher then before as he groped my breast
The bed shakes because of him and it's so fucking hot
"🥀Oh Y/n!~"
"I-I think I'm gonna cum!~"
"🥀Oh yes cum for me baby~ be a good girl and cum for me~"
I reached my end as I orgasm all over his cock panting
Thinking I were to rest just a bit now
No...I kept feeling him go at it with me
I didn't mind I softly moan looking up as he gets ahold on my legs on his shoulders blushing crazy
"🥀 y-y/n~ I'm so fucking close~ I'm gonna cum in this pussy~"
I pull him down for a kiss wrapping my legs back around his waist his thrusts getting sloppier yet so harshly
Soon I feel it throb and fill me as we deepen our kiss pulling away after just panting letting it fill me as soon as he pulled out he lays beside me I reach down to feel it between my inner thighs
God there's so much~
I turn over to kiss him again
"I love you~"
"🥀 I love you too darling~"
We lay and rest there...
*knock knock knock*
"💟 hey um y/n?..."
"💟you've been in there for five hours now I think the boss what's to talk to you-"
"P-Peter I have to go-"
"🥀 just a little more y/n~"
Wheeeewww another one done
Happy holidays y'all :3 this one dragged on for a bit too long huh?
4315 words)

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