Ep. 1 Awake ~Hello, BlackHell~

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 Chloe woke up the next morning in a haze. All she remembered was how intense FireWalk was. She was a little surprised how late she stayed out and managed to walk all the way back home, blowing off all her energy at the concert, sneaking back into her room without being noticed in one piece.

She groggily rolled over and lit her first cigarette of the day. Her radio was turned on and she took in the moment to wake and bake. She eventually sat up and looked around her room.

'Sometimes... all I want to do is shut my eyes and tell the world to go to hell.'

She picked up a picture that had her dad along with herself and Max while they were kids.

'Hey, Max. Hey, Dad. Another day in paradise right?'

Chloe placed the picture back and skimmed through her journal. After Max had stopped replying to Chloe's texts, Chloe started writing in a journal and talks to Max through her writing. Not like she was going to write back...

Maybe this was a way of coping as if she was still talking to her best friend or to document these events and feelings so whenever she did see Max again, she could read all of this to her what she missed in Chloe's life.

After Chloe wrote to Max how awesome FireWalk was, not to mention the encounter with Rachel Amber, the skeevy guys, and the other girl with the blonde hair and blue tips, her mom called her from downstairs.

"Chloe! Wakey, wakey, eggs, and bakey!" Joyce called out.

Chloe lazily got up from her bed and noticed she slept in the clothes she wore yesterday. The smell of beer and cigarettes stuck to her clothes and she knew Joyce would not approve. Once she got changed, her mom called out to her to get her phone. With an annoyed sigh, she reached for her phone, but it was missing.

'Shit. Where's my phone? Ugh guess I better try calling my phone with Mom's.'

She exited her bedroom and went into Joyce's room and noticed a few things she was not happy about. She didn't know what was worse: Joyce pawning her old engagement ring, stuffing a framed picture of her and her mom and dad in her dresser, or the package of condoms in Joyce's nightstand.

While Chloe was grossed out with the condom discovery, she placed the framed picture back on top of the dresser. She spotted her mom's phone and opened the screen and went to call her own phone, rolling her eyes at the picture of her mom and Sargent Mustache.

Chloe's phone was found in the bathroom and she noticed she missed some texts from her mom. Her mom knew she snuck out. Chloe was in for another talk with Joyce.

After what seemed like a long, discomforted conversation with Joyce about her sneaking out, not replying to her messages, and not smack talking about David, Chloe was in for the worse part. Going to BlackHell escorted by David.

"Why do you women always take forever to get ready?" David commented from looking into his car's engine.

"We're hoping you men'll leave without us" Chloe replied back throwing his keys to him, him catching it.

David snapped his fingers and pointed her to come.

'No, Mom, I swear he beat himself to death with a tire iron. Repeatedly.' Chloe said to herself while having her arms crossed.

"Chloe is that a black eye?" David said with judgment.


"No" Chloe fired back at him. She forgot that skeevy guy was going to leave a mark.

"Insubordination. No wonder your mother's worried about you," David started, "When I was your age, I got into my share of scraps. But it's not responsible. You owe it to your mother to do better."

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