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POV Finney
I was walking home from school. Gwen had left 30min earlier for cheer tryouts. So I was all alone in my new town. Me Gwen and our dad just moved here five days ago and I've made no friends just enemy's. The leader Robin Arellano Vance hopper (robins best friend) and there three homophobic minions. Let's start from the beginning. Me and Gwen walk in to school and we parted ways I had to use the bathroom before class so I walked into the bathroom after 20min of looking for it I walked into the bathroom to find the hole gang was in there by the bathroom window smoking weed.

POV Robin
I was in the bathroom smoking with Vance. and the three weirdo's that follow us around. I looked over to find a short thin small kid walk in he looked at us with a blank face about 4min then went in a stall. Was he not scared of us. well I was going to find out soon.

POV Finney
I walk out the stall to wash my hands. when I was pushed back in the stall by three boys. As I fell lower my head hit the back of the toilet. as my head got light I felt weight on my ribs the last thing I saw was the three boys kicking me. and being dragged out the stall by them. and then every thing went black.

POV Robin
As the thin boy walked out the stall the three weirdos pushed him back in I heard a bang as I looked back I say them kicking the thin boys rids as one of them dragged the boy out I saw blood trailing from his limp body from his head to his torso me and Vance looked at each other in disgust we looked back to find one of the boys lifting the unconscious boys shirt to find cuts a bruises everywhere the other one took out a pocket knife and gave it to me "you wanna try"
The boy asked I punched him the face as he fell I pushed him to the ground I walked to the boys limp body and kicked him he didn't move "hey Vance let go" me and Vance walked out we looked back to see the two other guys picking the other guy up and started kicking the thin boy again "mhh let's go Vance".

POV Bruce
I walked in the bathroom to find a thin looking boy my age I ran to help it looked like he had been there for an hour "AAHH HELP SOMEONE ANYONE"I screamed as I ran to him he was not breathing finally two men a grade up from mine came in "WTF IS THIS" One of the boys said as he ran to us he picked up the thin boy and ran out I know exactly who did this I ran out looking for Vance and his little friend I found them outside by some trees smoking I walked up behind Vance and grabbed his ear I dragged him away as his friend just looked at us blankly I pushed in the closet "WTF what was that for" I looked at him in disappointment "why did you beat up the new kid this is his first day" Vance stared at me in anger as he walked up to me
"Me and Robin did not hurt him it was those three boy" Vance looked me up and down and smirked. And then we heard siren's I new what this was and I ran out Vance right behind me.

POV Finney
I woke up to sirens. and I was in a stretcher I felt heat on my head they looked so scared. "hang in there kid" one of the nurses said I looked back down and I was a so bloody.
The last thing I before I past out was the two kids that were smoking weed running with OMG the three boys that were in the bathroom that helped me. when we were in the bathroom I woke up for a sec then pasted out again the three were all bloody. and the short black haired boy was crying
And then everything went black.
"His breathing stoped hurry" the nurse said
POV Robin
"Well damn that was fun I'll have to bully him more often" Vance and the others looked at me weirdly I just shrugged and walked away.

POV Finney
Present time
Well that's what happened and I've been getting bullied ever since.

This is my first story so please no hate.

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