Episode 2

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Last time, Lune and Cassie had trekked through Mt. Moon and were on their way to Cerulean City. At the same time, they had their first run in with Team Rocket's Kanto branch, including a very ... interesting trio. Now they continue onward to where the road takes them.

                                A Splishy Splash and a Zippy Zap!

                                        Party On The S.S. Anne!

Here in Cerulean City, we find our heroes wasting little time, as they head right for the Gym. Alas, upon their arrival, the trainers inform them that the Gym Leader isn't around. Apparently, she's off on a date on Route 25. Thanking them for the information, Lune and Cassie make their way north. As they head over, they come across "Nugget Bridge", named due to the challenge given. Defeat all of the trainers and receive a Nugget as a reward. Venturing across the bridge and getting Yellow-Jacket some more training, he defeats the five trainers and receives his reward from the person at the end. This is where things got odd...

Trainer: By the way, how would you like to join Team Rocket?

Lune: ...what?

Trainer: We're a group of professional criminals specializing in pokemon! Want to join?

Lune: Pass. Hard pass.

Trainer: Are you sure?

Lune: Yes.

Trainer: C'mon, join us.

Lune(Annoyed): Didn't you hear me, I said no.

Trainer(Annoyed): I'm telling you to join!

Lune(Upset): Yeah, and I'm telling you no!

Trainer(Upset): Ok, it seems you need some convincing. I'll make you an offer you can't refuse!

The trainer reveals himself to be a Team Rocket Grunt in disguise and challenges Lune to a battle. A battle that promptly wrapped up thanks to Yellow-Jacket. Leaving the Rocket Grunt defeated behind them, the two trainers venture forward when Lune found something interesting. Or rather, something interesting found him. Just as they were continuing forward, Lune spots an Abra up ahead and thought that it'd make a great addition to his Kanto line up. When he gets close, the Abra turns around and is revealed to be wearing some kind of weird cracked glasses. Lune paused in his tracks as not to scare it off, while the Abra itself floated in place. Lune was caught off guard when it teleported right in his face, causing him to fall backwards out of surprise. Speaking of surprises, the Abra then did something unexpected, it laughed. No, laugh was too lenient a word.

It cackled. A cackle made only by someone who was a few fruit short of a Pina Colada, if you catch my meaning. Getting back up to his feet, Lune looks at the cackling Abra in amusement.

Lune(Amused): Well, ain't you an interesting fella? I like your energy, you should join me. I guarantee there's rarely a dull moment.

The Abra thought for a moment with pursed lips, before shrugging and nodding its head. After Lune tapped it on the noggin with an Ultra Ball, the Abra warped inside, and with three shakes and a CLICK, Abra was caught!

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