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"Go play with the boys, mama." Kalanis's mom whispered in her ears. Kalani and her parents were currently hanging out at the Reyes's house for the last time before they moved.

Kalanis's dad, Justin, got a job in Canada, a well-paying job. They'd be moving in the next three days so they decided to spend as much time with their friends as possible.

Little 5-year-old Kalani was clueless about the moving, her parents felt like it was unnecessary to tell her because she probably won't remember new york anyways.

Although The Reyes and The Wilsons have been friends for a long time, this was the first time the kids ever met.

''Hey,'' Kalani waved at the three boys. Two waved while the other remained silent.

''Do you like my hair?'' Kalani asked the chubbiest one as he played with her beads.

He nodded his head giggling, ''yes.''

''Really? Emily from school said it's ugly,'' she frowned remembering the girls that ganged up on her at recess.

''Next time you say fuck you Emily and fuck yo mama.''He said before he and his brothers busted out laughing.

''That's a bad word, my mommy says you don't say that. That's for grown folks.''

''I am grown the fuck,'' he sassed.

''What's your name?'' She asked.

''Don't tell her Ethan, she's gonna snitch and mama gon beat our ass.''

''You right,'' Ethan said.

''But you just said his name...'' Kalani replied confused. ''Anyways I'm Kalani, if you tell me your name I'll let you use my car.''

''I'm David,'' the skinner one said looking at the 3 race cars she held in awe.

''Im J-Jamari,'' the one with a huge forehead said.

They played with the toy cars for what felt like hours and Kalani lost every single time. The boys win another race and put their hands up in victory,

''That's what the fuck I'm talking about,'' Ethan bragged as he stuck his tongue out at Kalani. She felt her eyes begin to sting. Tears started falling from her eyes and she started crying.

''Evil twin,'' David smirked as they started sticking their tongue out at Kalani.

Pulling her knees up to her face she started sobbing quietly until someone tapped her shoulders, pulling her hands away from her face. It was Jamari staring at her with a sad face.

''Don't cry, my mommy said beautiful shouldn't cry.'' He said as he held her hand.

''E-Emily said I'm not beautiful though,'' she hiccuped.

''Fuck Emily,'' he said as he stuck the middle finger, making her laugh.

''Yeah fuck Emily,'' she mocked as she used her free hand to stick the middle finger.

After a while, Ethan and David apologized and they all decided to watch Rapunzel on Netflix. Then they played some more while their parents talked and Kalani went on a rant about how Emily bullies her. Making Jamari, Ethan and David threaten to boom her and smoke her dead.

''Say, bye mama,'' her mom said as she finished hugging the boys.

''But I don't wanna go,'' she mumbled as her eyes became teary.

''Bye guys.''

''Bye sissy,'' David frowned.

''Bye bye my heart,'' Jamari said as his little brother, Ethan cried already growing attached to Kalani. Those hours felt like years to him.

''Until next time,'' Justin said as he dabbed up the boys.


"Fuck emily"😂😂😂leave a vote & comment🤍

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"Fuck emily"😂😂😂
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