Discovery of Something New

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"EEK!" Cleveland yelped, the powerful roar of thunder from the force of the crash brought a sense of panic to the cruiser. 

"It appears that our visitor had a rough landing..." Belfast commented. "Hey! Enterprise!-"

Enterprise was already in the process of launching her planes stored within the hangers, the unmistakable smell of combusted fuel and the signature sound of the engines flooded the upmost deck with a monotonous hum.

'You are joking me...' Belfast lambasted herself for failing to notice the lack of presence of the  kansen in question sooner.

"We should still be away from the Sakura Empire's coastal defences and fleets..." Belfast added. "And Enterprise is already taking the lead in the search...Cleveland, Hammann, Stay close to the carrier and defend."

"Yes royal maid..." Cleveland grumbled "Can't believe you're actually letting her go and do this."

"If we don't find out what just landed here, then our own enemies will instead, and that means trouble if what they find could bolster the sirens further than what they currently are."

Despite her reasoning, One destroyer decided to put a selfish resistance to her assigned duty.

On top of one of the planes stood Enterprise, her pose hunkered down to a kneel, a bow in the shape of her own ship bridge was held in her right hand with the intent on quickly drawing it at a moment's notice, her left palm pushed against the glass canopy, stabilising herself on the vibrating surface of the rattling engine.

"You ready?" She asked to the cruiser.


The engines of the flock of planes vociferated, swamping the deck by the sounds of thunder, Belfast jumped off the bow and landed with a conservative splash just ahead of the carrier.

Enterprise took that as a signal to launch, and a launch it was, the planes barrelled down the decks and lifted off one by one, clearing the deck in a manner of seconds, Belfast would follow behind the forming squadron keeping a line of sight.

They only had hours at best, and minutes at worst to assist, the visitor that had disturbed the sanctuary of the empire after all, who knows what they would do to such a mysterious appearance.

On the carrier, the 4 that remained watched the duo slowly vanish into the distant background.

"Enterprise....Please be safe." Cleveland said, her hands clenched, hoping that no bad omen befalls them, Hammann did too,  begging to herself quietly not to face the wrath of the Yorktowns.

𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞

In a land covered with Blossoming trees, and architecture that coexists with the natural wonders of the region. The Sakura Empire prospers of Kansen with exotic, animal like features. Although within close vicinity with the Dragon Empery, The mass numbers and power of both its people and siren ships dissuaded their close enemy from pushing for a direct assault against the heartland of the country.

While normally peaceful.

There are times that wasn't the case.

"Something crashed into the forest?"

2 people with pronounced, fox like features with contrasting kimonos stood on an arch bridge, leaning on a set of guardrails separating them from the river below that flows to the ocean ahead.

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