The Campfire

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Once Tori got some gauze and bandages on her cut at Sikowitz's test then her and Jade made their way over to where the campfire was.

"See that wasn't so bad was it?" sneered Jade

Tori remarked, "Yeah definitely not as bad as when I got three pints of blood taken"

"Okay I only thought you were losing two pints!" Jade pointed out

Tori crossed her arms, "Oh that's SO much better"

Andre came over to the girls

"Hey Andre!" said Tori with a wave

"Tori, I love you but what. the. HECK!" shouted Andre

"Uh oh what'd Vega do this time?" asked Jade, amused

"I've been gone this whole time, I didn't even do anything" said Tori, spreading out her arms

Andre looked at her doubtfully, "Oh really? Well you did something cause your sister is here"

Tori gasped, "What? No, that can't be! Trina hates camping and she doesn't even know...oh my gosh, what is she doing here?"

Jade added, sourly, "And why is she all over Beck?"

"You still have feelings for Beck?" asked Tori

Jade admitted, "No not like that but it's still weird seeing him with her"

Tori put her hand on Jade's arm but Jade pulled away, saddening Tori

Tori stomped over to her sister, "Trina, why and how are you here?"

Trina flipped her hair, "I think the real question is: why wasn't I here before?"

Jade remarked, "Trust me, nobody was wondering that"

Andre patted Trina's shoulder, "Yeah Trina, don't take this the wrong way but...this is a class project"

"Well Beck seems fine with me being here" purred Trina, leaning on him

Jade was about to get in between them but Tori quickly held Jade's shoulders, "Woah Jade! Rein it in, rein it in!"

"Two weeks and you're already with someone?" hissed Jade

Beck rubbed his face, "Gosh, you still criticize me even when we're not dating"

Taken aback Jade said, "Okay that's not fair"

"Guys stop" Andre said, ever-the-mediator

Tori gently grabbed Jade's shoulders, "How about we join this sweet little campfire and make some s'mores?"

Jade got less tense in Tori's embrace and followed her to the logs across from Beck and Trina

Trina cocked her head, "Wait a second are you two like...a thing?"

Tori gasped, "WHAT?"

Jade stood up and snapped, "Okay you are like seriously mental"

Nearly tripping into the fire, Andre put his arms out to stop Jade from going over to Trina

"Jade, Jade, sit down" said Tori, urgently

Jade groaned and sat down, pushing Andre and Tori away from her

Andre muttered as he walked away, "The amount of times she gives me a heart attack"

Jade snapped, "What did you say?"

"Nothing!" Andre yelped, prancing over to his tent

"Andre, where are you going? Come back!" called Tori

The Camping Trip: A Jori StoryWhere stories live. Discover now