Adventure Awaits

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Tori's eyes fluttered open as she was awakened by the sweet morning sound of the daybirds of the campsite. She turned on her side and noticed Jade's arm was sprawled over her chest. Tori froze up, not wanting to move. Jade had her arm over her and Tori was trying to overanalyze what that could possibly mean.

However, Tori didn't have that much time to relish in the moment before Jade groaned sleepily and rolled on her side much to Tori's dismay.

"What time is it?" mumbled Jade, talking into her pillow

"I don't know, my phone is charging at the..."

"Well go get it, Vega and get me a cup of coffee" snapped Jade

Tori winced, "Wow, you're fun in the morning"

Jade grumbled, "Just do it"

"Okay, okay fine!" Tori gave in

She unzipped the tent and walked out into the cool morning air. Robbie, Cat, Beck and Andre were already all awake and around the campfire eating breakfast sandwiches from the campsite lobby

"Hey look who it is!" Andre said, excitedly

"Tori! Hiiiiiii!!!!" drawled Cat

Beck nodded casually, "Glad you made it out alive last night!"

"Me too. Though she kinda ripped my head off this morning to get her coffee" sighed Tori

Beck, Andre, Cat and Robbie all started talking over eachother in agreement, "Oh yeah she needs her coffee" "She's scary when she doesn't have coffee"

Tori raised her eyebrows, "So that's what I'm on my way to do now"

"You're a good friend, Tori" said Cat, ever-sweetly

Tori smiled at her, "Thanks Cat"

"Vega! Where's my coffee?" shouted Jade

Tori flinched, "I better get that coffee"


Once coffee was in Jade's system, all the friends were gathered again by the campfire, watching Sikowitz's new video on the Slap of their next assignment.

In the video Sikowitz said, "Where the waterfall been, is where you shall begin, follow your heart as you wander through this great blue yonder..."

"Does anybody know what the hell he's talking about?" asked Jade, squinting at the screen

Andre sighed, "Jade, what we told you about not talking like that around Cat?"

"Talking like whatty?" asked Cat

Andre patted her back, "Nevermind"

"Don't screw with me today, Harris" warned Jade

Beck asked, "One of those days?"

Jade shook her head, "Can everyone just not talk to me?"

Beck exclaimed, "Well what a fun, happy trip this is!"

"Yeah we're all just happy as clams" Andre muttered

Cat gasped, "I love clams! One time my brother went out to an ocean when we went on vacation and when he came out he was covered in clams!"

Tori giggled, "Oh that's silly"

"I swear you both are five" said Jade between gritted teeth

Cat admitted, "Well Tori, it wasn't really that silly. See, he had to go to the hospital because a bunch of clams clamped on to him all over"

The Camping Trip: A Jori StoryWhere stories live. Discover now