I'm Sorry

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~ "my dear, we're slow dancing in a burning room" ~


I glance up at the screen displaying all the planes that have arrived in Michigan, trying to find which goddamn carousel my luggage is on.

"I think it's 6!" I shout to my mom. Remind me never to fly on a Sunday. Everyone in this airport is practically shoulder to shoulder. It doesn't help that I'm a little claustrophobic.

My mom and I book it to the carousel with our planes luggage and wait until we see our stuff.

"Next time we fly, we're not checking any bags!" Mom shouts. I nod in agreement since it's been nearly a half hour since we landed and we're still in this god forsaken airport.

Finally, I see my cream white suitcase. I lunge to grab it and haul it off the conveyor belt.

"I'm never flying Alaska ever again" I mutter under my breath.


I practically break down the door of the taxi, bolt out and throw myself onto our lawn.

"I missed you!" I shout at the house, fully aware I look batshit crazy right now. Mom pays the taxi driver and gets our suitcases which I kiss the ground. "I'm never leaving again."

"Do you two need a room?" She taunts. I fake laugh and hop up to get my bags.

The house smells a little musty, since no one has been in it for about a month. But everything looks exactly the same. I dash upstairs, and my room hasn't moved a bit. I look around almost nostalgically, and prepare to hurl myself onto my bed, but then I remember about the hot MILF next door. I wonder if she knows I'm coming home today.

I know we didn't leave off on the best note, but I can't help the butterflies in my stomach at the thought of seeing her again. I throw down my bags, bound down the stairs, and sprint past my mother going through mail at the kitchen island. Stopping in my tracks, I reroute and go give my mother a kiss on the cheek.

"Ew! What the fuck Aria?" she exclaims.

"Thank you for taking me to Seattle I had the time of my life!" I say. She waves me off and I resume my running. I go out the door, across the lawn, and ring the Avila's bell. A few seconds pass, and when no one answers, I assume no one is home and disappointment fills my heart. I try to let myself in to see if anyone is here, and the door is unlocked.

In the house, I hear some oldies playlist softly playing upstairs. I see no sign of the spawns, or Sean. It must be Vera then.

Walking upstairs, I can feel my heart beating a million beats a minute. I hope she's happy to see me. Once I reach the door to her bedroom, I find that it's open and she's standing by the bed folding laundry, her back to me. I enter the room and lean against the door frame. I didn't know someone could look so good just putting away laundry. This woman could make the act of taking out the garbage sexy. After shamelessly admiring her butt in those jeans, I decide to make my presence known,

"Ahem." Vera whips her head around, confusion plastered all over her face. She sees me, and gasps. I can't help the grin forming on my face. Nervously biting my lip, I mutter,

"Miss me?"

Vera doesn't answer, just walks towards me with big strides. For a minute I can't tell if she's going to hit me or hug me? Vera goes with the latter, and wraps her delicate arms around my upper back. I return the embrace immediately, and I can feel my cheeks heat up at the mere contact.

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