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I walk out of a room with a fake drawing of a blue moon on it into a hallway with a dozen cameras wich where aligned on the gray walls.

I have no idea where I am as I walk down the short hallway letting my hand drag along the wall untill my fingertips run along something making me stop

''Who really are you? You should ask yourself'

I read it out loud questioning what I just read who wrote this on the wall? who am I?

"I'm (Y/N)"

And just like that I hear a door unlocking with catches my attention I walk over to the door that just unlocked and open it into another empty room with a typewriter

I walk in and the typewriter starts moving by its self

"An angel? Or a sacrifice? Know your self and new doors will open." It typed

I just stared at it for a few seconds in disbelief I finally drag my my attention to an elevator door in the room

"Know your self and new doors will open" I repeated to myself

"But know one truly knows them self" I answer

Just then a ladies voice fills the room

"The girl on the lowest level is now a sacrifice, please prepare your floors"

I stare at the elavatior as the elevator lightgoes from red to green and stars to open I waited untill it was open full and stepped in and letting the door shut right behind me and starts moving up

I fidget with my plane white t-shirt and my black shorts I take off my jacket and tie it around my waist while waiting for the elevator to stop

My cuts start to hurt as I apply pressure to them they go from my wrist to mid forearm there's about a dozen of them all clear as day on my right arm some fresh some old all made by me

The elevator stops and I here the ding of the door and the door starts opening I see lots of house like building that all looked alike made of bricks and blood all over

I'm hit with the sudden smell of blood its a significant amount that almost makes me throw up but I push throw it and after a few seconds in fine

When the doors open all the way I step out slowly walking towards the first brick building with blood on it I bend over to touch it and it easily stains my fingertips

"Its fresh"

As I examine the blood on my fingertips I here footsteps and there getting closer

"Where are you?, you little bitch" A person yells

I sand up straight and take a few steps back and start walking in the direction I herd his voice

As I'm walking I keep looking at the blood splatters all over from the walls of the brick building to the floor


I stop walking as I notice it was coming from around the corner of the building I was walking by I hurry to the corner of the building I just don't know what side his voice came from

I look to the building to the left of me then to the building on the right

I walk towards the left side of the building and poke my head out when I don't see anyone I step in front the little ally and look down at my feet and just infront of me was a white bird on the ground pecking away at a pink fleshy think in a small black garbage bag in a small bloody pool

I slowly pick up the bird and examine it

"Are you hurt" I ask the bird as if waiting for a response

He looks at my sideways and flaps one of his wings as he chirps then suddenly I get a response that made me wish I had never asked

"No, BUT YOUR ABOUT TO BE" the same voice I heard earlier answered

The bird flew away as I feel back on my bottom in the dry pool of blood that was coming out of the trash bag the bird was eating from and leaving me there alone with him as he stared me down

I up slowly examining him starting with his black combat boots up to his red pants up to his brown zip-up hoodie thats stained with blood

He's covered in bandages and I can't really see anything other his eyes and his lips its then that I notice that he's holding a scythe in the air above me

Bandages (Zack x reader)Where stories live. Discover now