《 Prologue 》

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"You all know about Kumandra and how Raya and her friends help save the world from the Druun with teamwork and trust. But there's another story, you all don't know. I should know because I was there."

Stylistically, the following sequence is performed using Southeast Asian-inspired puppetry. It begins with shots of the land, its people, celestials, demons, and dragons.

"In an another world, when the heaven and earth formed, a great being called the Buddha created four mystical dragons. These dragons who were blessed by the Buddha had the power to bring water and life to the world. They brought peace and tranquillity to the mortals of the world."

Dragons leap out of the river like dolphins.

"It was beautiful. Almost as beautiful as Kumandra."

A beautiful shot of people, gods and goddesses, demons, and dragons living harmoniously.

"However, dark beings of darkness and smoke appeared. They were called the Druun. The same monster that took my family. Born with unsatisfiable hunger, the Druun consumed life and left behind but ash and stone."

The smoke-like Druun turns someone into stone by floating over them. As it does, the Druun multiplies into two.

"Many celestial warriors fought against the Druun, but even with the might of heaven’s army they were no match of the Druun."

A war between the Druun and the celestial warriors ensue. Amid the chaos, the four Celestial Dragons, climbs to the highest point in heaven.

"That is until all four of the Celestial Dragons united together and poured all of their spiritual energies into a gemstone known as the Dragon Gem."

The dragons are seen pouring all of their power as they combine them into a gem before closing their eyes to start their magic. Then a magical explosion wipes away the Druun and returns everyone to normal.

"Using the Gem, the Druun were banished and everyone mortals, celestials, and demons were brought back. However, the Celestial Dragons disappeared, leaving behind the dragon gem."

The four dragons were seen flying away where no one couldn't see where they're going.

"For centuries, the Dragon Gem was safely guarded inside the Jade Palace."

Where the dragons once stood, there’s now a glowing Dragon Gem. It's seen as a palace erected around the gem.

"It should have been this big inspirational moment where humanity united over their sacrifice... but instead - people being people - the mortals from below and beings from heaven and hell all fought to possess the last remnant of dragon magic."

People are seen fighting with weapons clashing against each other.

"That is until, Sun Wukong came…"

The monkey man was seen standing proudly with a staff in his hand, smirking.

"After eating the Peaches of Immortality, drinking all the Heavenly Wine, and consuming the Pills of Immortality, the Jade Emperor gives him one last chance to redeem himself. By posting him to guard the Dragon Gem. Sun Wukong determined to take this job seriously, he faced many demons and greedy mortals who tried to steal the gem for themselves."

Sun Wukong fought many people and demons as he easily defeated them like it's no problem.

"Yet, one day he brings his oldest friend to see the greatest treasure in heaven."

Sun Wukong and the black monkey man enter the inner chamber. The black monkey was amazed and bowed to the gem, doing the symbol with his hands above his head that respects dragons while Wukong looks happy to have a pal to share this with.

"But what the Great Sage didn’t realize was how wicked his friend’s heart really is."

The black monkey smiles evilly and suddenly strikes Wukong, sending him to the ground. He looks in shock at his old friend.

The black monkey goes for the Gem, but Wukong leaps in front of him. The two start fighting. While they are still fighting, Wukong shoots a firework up through the temple opening to call for backup. This distracts his old friend just long enough for Wukong to strike,
knocking him to the ground. The warriors, including Jade Emperor and Buddha came over to see it happening as the black monkey got back up and tackled Wukong.

"Sun Wukong and his oldest friend fought for what felt like hours. But in the middle of the battle, the two ended up shattering the Dragon Gem into pieces. In a great ball of light, thousands of shards spread throughout all of China."

The Gem cracks into pieces before they darted off somewhere as everyone can see the lights being scattered across the night sky. Before anyone can react, the ground shakes, the water in the chamber recedes, the floor opens up. From the broken Earth, a Druun emerges.

"And with the Gem gone, the Druun returned..."

The archer shoots an arrow at the creature, but it goes right through the Druun, leaving him unscathed. The Druun immediately turns the archer to stone, then duplicates. The Druun turns toward Wukong and everyone, except the black monkey who disappeared into the purple portal beneath him.

"But luckily the Great Buddha sealed the Druun in the center of the Earth."

Buddha quickly rushes and uses up all his magic as he made the vault to seal the Druun inside before locking it with the Skeleton Key and sending the vault far beneath the Earth.

"Now, the problem leads to finding the pieces of the gem to restore before anyone uses it for evil."

The lands are seen with shards of the gem that are scattered with people taking it for greed.

"That’s how the world broke. But there's always hope. That's when I, Nuo the Water Dragon, came into the story..."

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