《 Chapter 7: Coming Home 》

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Nuo watches her friends play arcade machine in awe, looking at the screen.

"Button mash all you want, Mk. You'll never beat my Ancient Galloping Fury Power." Mei grinned cockily, winning against him.

"Up smash, up smash!" Sandy said.

"I'm trying, Sandy. Okay? I'm trying, I'm trying." Mk whined, feeling frustrated on loosing.

"No one can defeat me."

Mei's phone starts ringing, causing her to frown to see her mother's profile.

"Oh boy."

She then answers it. With her back turned, Mk giggles evilly and Nuo notices it and takes over Mei's place.

"I don't think so, Mk."

"Oh, please. Like you know how to play." he playfully rolled his eyes.

"I can try."

"Alright. Don't cry that I beat you."

Mk then starts playing and Nuo struggles to beat his character as she moves the controls with uncertainty. She kept on trying to beat him until she managed to get a hang of it after seeing how Mk moves his character. Heck, she even starts beating him, much to his horror and shock.

"What?! But you're still a newbie!"

"Well, some newbies got great talents!" Nuo grinned.

Meanwhile with Mei as she's talking to her mother on the phone, and she looks unhappy with the response she's getting.

"Hi, Mom. Yes. Of course. Yes, Mother."

Mei then hangs up.

"Hey, you okay there, Mei?" Sandy asked with concern.

"Yeah. It's just --"

"Yes! Top that, Mk!"


Nuo laughs as she beats Mk's video game avatar with Mk banging his face against the controls in utter defeat that he had been beaten by the two girls he's been friends with. But that was not the problem as Mei starts explaining to them. Nuo sees the look on her face and gets concerned.

"My parents -- they want me to housesit."

"Is it that bad?" Nuo asked.

"No. Me and my parents, we --"

Mk's eyes glints at the information he misheard.

"Uh, did Mei say sleepover at her house?"

"What? No. My parents would want --"


Mk then mutters to himself about wanting to see a secret dragon place, which made Nuo suspicious about his behavior but at the same time she's curious about the dragon's home since Mei is also part of the dragon, and maybe it could help her find a way home and know some information about the dragon gem. Mk turned to Mei.

"I've always wanted to see inside Mei's secret Dragon House full of secret dragon stuff. Come on, please? Please, please, please, please, please?"

Mei sighs in defeat after seeing Mk's puppy eyes.

"Sleepover it is."

"Ah yeah! This sleepover is going to be amazing. You know what? I'll bring my Monkey King DVDs so we can have a marathon."

Nuo turns to Mei.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"It's fine. It would be great to have fun with you guys."

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