Chapter 10

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I woke up with a banging headache. I always remember everything when im drunk. Yesterday night i thought some things i've never wanted to think, But hey. I finally have one of them cool knives. I sat at the door and waited for someone to come in and greet me. It was usually pan or felix but sometimes it was thomas. "Morning" Thomas said. I jumped up and hugged him. I was in a huggy mood today. I wanted to hug everyone. Of course since every lost persons all moody and stuff, I went out and hugged my favorite child upon the lost boys.

I hated every other child their though they were all moody and usually bit my hand whenever i sat near them at night. Children were scary. Id have one if it felt right. I was still a virgin because i can and also partly because im scared of having sex its weird. I don't really know how that ended up like that but. Oh well.

Today for breakfast we had juice. I didn't though , juice to me is too sweet especially passion fruit and orange. I sat next to thomas today. Overnight i had gone through all our memories and decided i actually really liked him. I mean, he was nice, he made me laugh, he made me smile, it wasn't awkward and he was very cute. What more could i ask for?

I went on a walk with him along the beach. We talked, he made fun of me , i laughed, i made fun of him. The usual. We ended up spending 3 hours together and by the end of it i was kissing him. I had forgotten all about peter. The kiss started out soft at first but then it grew intense. He put his arms on my waist and began to kiss my neck. He laughed. It was different when he held my waist. It felt good.

"Having fun there?" Peter appeared making both of us jump. "I need to talk to lisa so, can you go please thomas?" I don't know why he said it so politely when he and i both know he was not going to let him stay either way. "What do you think your doing?!" He yelled once thomas had gone. "I don't know peter, maybe kissing the guy i'm dating?!"

"No you were about to fuck. Seriously lisa what did you think you were doing?."

"You had no problem when it was you ." He shuts his mouth and doesnt say anything. He walks me home and for the whole way there He didn't speak to me. He just sought of stared off into the forest.


I've been on this island for a while now and so far i've learnt a lot. 1 thing. Never, trust peter pan.

"Well your a handsome man aren't you?" A tall man, no a boy stood in front of me. "Who are you"
He chuckled "I'm Peter Pan love" I quickly put my knife to his throat. "Your the one she told me about" I said. A smirk formed on his lips "You've got fire, I like fire" I pulled my knife away from his throat. The forest around me was dead silent.
"What are you doing here" I asked coldly my grip tightening on my knife.

"I'm the king, Stefan"
"I'm warning you pan, next time you see me I'm going to kill you"

"You can't kill me. Have fun trying though." He disappeared from my sight immediately. Leaving me stood alone confused. 'You can't kill me' . Yeah sure it may be difficult but it wouldn't be impossible. Everyone dies eventually.


Peters been in a mood with me ever since. Its ok tho because i've got thomas and don't get me wrong i like peter but thomas is so much more happy and funnier. I think i might actually be falling for him. God i could really use some alcohol right now.

"Hey can we go sneak some alcohol out of peters tent please i really need some."

"sure" He laughed before getting up and helping me find my way to the alcohol shelf.

"What are you doing?" Peter said. Thomas hid quickly , I however took some rum out and drank it straight from the bottle in front of him. It burned my throat and I stopped drinking. I had half of the bottle and i was the kind of person who gets drunk easily , so i was definitely going to be drunk. He walked towards me and put the rum bottle down. "You haven't got anything to say to me now have you? Well come on then. Fuck me up pan. Fuck me." I yelled forgetting thomas could possibly hear me. Lucky for me he couldn't. I sat on the table and waited for him.

He came closer to me and his hand trailed up and down my thigh. "If i could Lisa, I would." He whispered "Then do it."

He stared at me. He knows i'm possibly drunk. He would never. He knows he can't touch me, not anymore. "Im off limits now and that makes you want me more is that it pan?" He grabbed the bottle out of my hand and drank. He drank the 1/2 that was left. The 1/2 I failed to drink. "Whatever power you think you hold over me Lisa it's just your imagination I couldn't care less about you"

"Oh yeh?" I grabbed my knife and slowly cut an area on my thigh. "Fuck". He came back over immediately and opened my legs with his hands. He didn't need to do that he knows he didn't need to do that. He put a cloth on my cut and applied pressure. "Fuck" He repeated.

"I thought i didn't have power over you?" I said. I put my hand on his arm and stroked it. "You don't" He managed to stutter. Once my cut had stopped bleading I left him confused about what just happened. How that had just happened. And Knowing i was going to be drunk for the rest of the day meant he would be watching me to make sure I was safe.

So i went to the lake. To tease him. I undressed and cleaned myself. I could tell he was there. Once I got out I told him to not look and I got redressed. I know it killed him to watch me, He liked me. And the fact even though he drank 1/2 of a reasonably small rum bottle within seconds meaning he could be drunk and he was still holding back. God. I don't even know what to say.

I took off on a little adventure to explore this place. Come to think of it I don't think I even know my way back.

He was still watching me. Watching my every movement. Until i got back I felt completely happy with the fact he was watching me . When i got back i decided to skip dinner as soon as i smelt fish grilling on the fire. I just went into my tent and thought about stuff.

"Hey you alright?" My whole body turned and there he was. Thomas. "Yeh" He came up and hugged me. For a moment i just wanted him to hold me there and tell me everything was gonna be ok. But then I realised even if he did, I would never believe him.


If anyone has any face claim recommendations for lisa please tell me

P.S - I know stefans pov is short in this chapter but Lisa's life is so much more interesting.

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