Chapter 14

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A/N - I hate to say this but I'm pretty sure Lisa's an alcoholic. And I don't regret making her one 🙈.


"Love?" Peter yelled panicking. "Shit." He mumbled repeatedly. My eyes opened slowly. Peter was kneeled down in front of me. His hair was damp and he no longer had his usual clothing on.

A smile crept onto his face, I was awake. Tears crept out of my eyes . My only escape plan had failed. Emotions were running through me like electricity. "Alcohol. Get me Alcohol" I demanded. My eyes were still opening and peter nodded to Felix next to him.

A few moments later Felix came back with a bottle of alcohol and I grabbed it off him . The bottle slipped out of my hand and an ache crept up my arm. "Peter. Open the bottle" Alcohol was my only solution now. The only way to feel happy.

I remember the first time I ever got drunk on this island. It's my first good memory. Everything wrong was forgotten and all I could do was laugh. Everything was funny to me. Even the smallest of things. Just for those hours of happiness.

Peter removed the alcohol cap and handed me a cup of it. My throat was overwhelmed with a burning satisfaction. I motioned for him to give me another one . He gave me another 2 and by the end of it I completely lost control of any power I had over my body or choices.

"You look pretty with wet hair" I giggled. My hand moved to his face and I patted it like he was a dog. I tried to get up but was met with a sharp pain all over my body. "Woah" I said.

I moved back to Peters lap and rested my head. "Can I have another one?" Pointing to the almost empty bottle. He shook his head. "Please!!"

"No love." His hand wrapped around my leg and my neck. He carried me through the forest. 'I like your hands' I tried to say. We arrived at the camp and he walked into his tent. I was carefully set on his bed and allowed to sleep.

Finally. Sleep.


"Morning love." He walked in, his hair damp. My head was in excruciating pain and my legs were uncomfortably sore. " Fuck " I mumbled. He came over and sat besides me. That's what I get for downing 3 cups of whatever it was.

My eyes stayed on him. His hands. His arms. His hair. His face. Everything. " You alright love? " he laughed. He noticed my staring and stared back. Not at my eyes. But at my lips.

" Don't flatter yourself 'king' " . He adjusted his posture and stood up, leaving without a word . "No come back where do you think your going?!" I yelled out , presumably not heard.

"Could you at least get me some medicine or something."

"Be patient love." Felix rushed to pan and he whispered something to him. It was clearly an order as he obeyed and gathered the other lost boys. Felix led them into the forest in the direction of the beach.

I got up my knees still shaky from the hangover. I remembered most of what I did and said last night and most of it was me complimenting Peter. 'You look pretty with wet hair' and 'your so pretty'. God it was so embarrassing. I'm surprised he still managed to be within 1 mile of me.

Peter came back with a cup full of a cloudy clear liquid . "Medicine." He passed it to me and I drank it. His eyes didn't leave mine and I didn't dare move under his watch. He looked like he had murder on his mind.

"Where did the lost boys go?"

"They went to find Thomas." He said quietly. Oh.
"Oh" I mumbled .
"It's not like that love, I'm going to lock him up."

"Your not going to kill him are you?" He furrowed his brow and scratched his neck . "Peter."

"Well what else do you want me to do with him. He tried to kill you and not to mention he's been fucking the girl that tried to kill you and for some reason is obsessed with cutting you."

"Personally, I think she's kinky." I replied . He smirked and placed his hand on my thigh relaxing mine and his body. "Ok fine you can hurt him just a bit . No killing though."


"Promise." He held out his hand and shook mine. "Thank you Peter."

"For what my love?"


Moments later the lost boys finally arrived back from there little Boy Scout or whatever it was . They came back with an additional member only not in a friendly manner. His hands were behind his back and he was being forced forward .

Not gonna lie it Looked like a cringy gang or something. "Pan we have him." Felix stated pointing over to Thomas.

Peter smirked and walked over to him mumbling random words. Thomas hissed at him and threatened him continuously, forgetting who he's talking to.

"Fuck you." Thomas spat. He was lead through the forest with pan and Felix as well as some other lost boys. Those remaining returned to there tents and I was left alone listening into some of the boys theories and stories.

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