Chapter 29

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Seokjin let out a scream which made Jimin to lay Jiwoo on the couch and follow Hoseok to the way towards the door as well.

Jimin's heart fell as he witnessed the scene; he did not hesitate to remove his shirt and cover you up carrying you inside.

The people on the road started whispering seeing the scene in front of them, Seokjin was frozen he was not able to see you like that.

"SHOW'S FUCKING OVER LEAVE!", Seokjin's scream pierced as the people started scrambling away.

"Y - Y/N", Jimin's voice quivered as he laid you softly on the bed, he can hear your slow breathing which made him sigh in relief.

It didn't take long for your breathing to slow down as you started to gasp for air, "Y/N, take deep breaths", Jimin tried helping but was in vain.

You couldn't breathe, felt suffocated and your body was shutting down, lips were blue along with your skin which turned paler as time passed by.

"Shit", Jimin grabbed the sheets wrapping you up, carrying you bridal style as he ran outside the house.

"Hyung start the car!", Jimin shouted, and Hoseok grabbed the car keys and started the car.

"Stay with Jiwoo", Hoseok said Seokjin who still hasn't recovered from what he saw nodded as he sat on the sofa next to the sleeping Jiwoo.


Luckily Hoseok and Jimin were on time, the doctors had you in the ICU while Jimin walked restlessly across the corridor.

The doctors walked back and forth, inside and outside the ICU along with the nurses.

Jimin silently shredded tears blaming everything on him.

If only he was a better person.

If only he came back to talk to you that day.

If only he never met, you that night.

"Jimin she will be fine", Hoseok patted the shaking Jimin who did not stop crying.

"Hy - Hyung, it is a - all bec - because of m - me", Jimin wept harder as he clutched his heart with his right hand.

The doctor finally arrived and stood in front of the two men, "Brother or husband that I can talk to?"

Jimin stood up hearing the voice, "Husband", he stated himself even though he wasn't he considered you as his wife already.

"She has had a stroke....", the doctor sighed and continued, "a bad one".

"S - she is fi - fine r - right?", Jimin did not lose hope even though his voice was shaky.

"For now, yes and also there is signs of abuse and torture", the doctor said.

The doctor noticed Jimin who started to cry not bothered about anything, "She is okay now", the doctor patted Jimin's shoulder.

"I've prescribed medicines, I suggest you have her in a calm and peaceful environment and not let her know any sad news, keep her happy".

"Make sure she does not have another stroke she may be paralyzed, or worst case could lose her life"

"It's all in your hands", the doctor gave a last pat to Jimin as he finished.

The doctor nodded at the two males as he walked away with the nurse.


"You sent her back?!", Yuna screamed across the room.

"Yes, I did", Jungkook's voice was cold and emotionless which sent shivers down Yuna's spine.

"W – why?", Yuna stuttered noticing Jungkook walk closer trapping her in between the kitchen counter and him.

"Because she is innocent", he said.

Yuna was fuming hearing the words out of Jungkook's mouth, she used all her strength and pushed Jungkook harshly away placing her hands on his chest.

"You wanted her and now you sent her back, what if Jimin takes her?!", Yuna was panicking.

"WHAT IF THEY GET BACK TOGETHER?!", Yuna was petrified at the thought of you with Jimin and she did not want that and will not let that happen.

"Yuna....", Jungkook trailed off seeing Yuna going insane. It did not take long for Yuna to start trashing all the things around.

"Yuna calm down!", Jungkook yelled trying to approach her but failed as she threw the kitchen knife across the room.

"YOU FUCKING DICKHEAD", she held Jungkook's collar and started shaking him vigorously.


Yuna grabbed the knife and plunged it into Jungkook's abdomen causing him to cough out blood as his eyes widen in shock.

"Y- Yu - na", his voice strained as he clutched his wound with both his hands to prevent the blood flow.

"Guys are all dicks", Yuna muttered before she stormed out of the house leaving the bleeding Jungkook alone.

"Yu - na", Jungkook tried to stand up but failed miserably, he gave up knowing it was his fault to.

Jungkook closed his eyes, letting the tears of guilt and pain flow down as he fell on the floor with the pool of his own blood.

"I am sorry Y/N", those were the last words her muttered as he remembered the flash back.

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