Chapter 32

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Silence engulfed the table, only the clattering of the utensils was heard and Jiwoo's loud munching.

You got up taking your plate and the glass along with it.

You wash it in complete silence, but your mind was loud with all the thoughts of last night.

You stormed to your room last night, you did not know what to say or react in any way in that matter.

A part of you was happy, no, scratch that, the whole body of yours was happy that he was away from her.

But what made it worse is the guilt of you being happy made you feel uneasy and uncomfortable. And you hated the feeling.

Your chain of thoughts was broken when Jiwoo tiptoed and left his plate on the sink along with Jimin who brushed his body with yours unintentionally.

That small scene was enough to bring butterflies in your stomach to which you let out a sigh and Jimin caught that and straddled to you.

"We need to talk", he whispered to you, his breath hitting your neck and ear, sending tingles all over your body.

Jiwoo grabbed his backpack and smiled at both Jimin, and you excited for his first day at the nursery.

Jimin insisted that he had to already start school since he was going to turn five very soon, so it had to be done very soon.

You on the other hand did not argue because you knew he was right, Jiwoo had to go to school, and he had to study.

You knew you cannot afford to a better school with everything going on and now you are being on a medical leave did not help.

Jimin was kind enough to pay for everything and you let him because Jiwoo was his kid even though the truth was still not out.

The truth is meant to come out one day or another eventually.

"Bye mommy", Jiwoo waved holding Seokjin's hand as he got into his car.

Seokjin insisted on dropping him off on his first day since you were not allowed to still travel a lot.

It is not like you did not know that Seokjin had other plan like making you talk to Jimin alone because you denied, and this was the perfect way to.

And now you guys were finally home alone and now Jimin had broken the ice it was your time to, but will you?

You still weren't sure if you will though.

"Y/N?", Jimin called out to you as he noticed you staring into space.

"Yes", you sat on the couch and he followed sitting on the other.

"You did not react last night", Jimin said.

Yes, you did not. You did not know how to; it was all of a sudden.

They were so in love and now they are not! That was unbelievable for you. Worst thing you felt happy and guilty.

"Uhh why?", you asked not knowing what to say.

"What why?", Jimin asked back being confused.

"Why did you divorce her?". you asked, it was useless beating around the bush.

"I found out what she did to you, and I am sorry", he looked down.

"She did not do anything to me", you were now confused.

"Your too innocent", he chuckled, and a smile cracked on your face seeing his.

"Remember the batch party, the waiter?", he asked and then it hit you.


"Excuse me", you get from the chair and leave to the nearest washroom, you enter the unisex bathroom and wash your hands till the feeling goes away.

You were applying the hand wash to your hands and rinse it one last time, you look up at the mirror and gasp seeing the waiter.

You turn and place your palms on his shoulder to push him away but instead he traps you on the edge, "Where are you going?", he moves his lips near your ear.

His right hand holds your bare thigh pushing your dress up, you feel disgusted by his touch and wiggle moving away.

"Get off me!", you push him with all your strength and kick him hard in between his legs, he crouch's down.

"You bitch!", he moves his hand to grab your ankle, but you were fast enough to leave the washroom, you close the door and turn around to see Yuna.

"You, okay?", she asks looking at you being restless, tears fill your eyes as you remember the guy inside, "He -", your lips quiver and she pulls you for a hug.

"It's okay, I am here", she comforts you and guilt kills you for knowing that her husband cheats on her with you.

The door bursts open and the waiter comes out, you get scared and pull Yuna with you away from the place.

You reach near the reception, "I want to see the manager", you shout at them, Yuna holds your wrist trying to calm you down.

"Y/N", she whispers not understanding any of this, "That guy molested me!", you say her, and she holds your wrist, "Call the manager", she says to the receptionist.

"Ma'am can we know why?", the receptionist asks and your irritated by her behavior, "Yuna?", Jimin calls her and you both turn.

"Jimin, tell them to call the manager", Yuna says Jimin, and he gets closer to her, "Why?", he looks at his wife and then you.

"The waiter treated her badly in the washroom, I saw him running behind her", she took your side and you felt horrible.


"She helped me, stop sprawling shit Jimin!", you spat.

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