Chapter 12

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Warning(s): Violence, Harm inflicted upon themselves (not in a suicidal context)

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Warning(s): Violence, Harm inflicted upon themselves (not in a suicidal context)


"Shut up, acid-dc, I'm trying to get this mans hair care routine." You yelled at the fiery man, as Kars began something about not being able to beat him and stuff.

An irk mark appeared on the man's face.

"IT'S ESIDISI! AY-CEE-DEE-CEE!" the man practically screeched.

"Damn- calm down." You deadpanned, concerned by his screech.

Esidisi let out a deep breath, and took stance again.

That is, he began posing again.

"Damn you, (Y/n). You and your ability to mess with my head so easily..." Esidisi muttered, scowling.

"Ah- I'm sorry." You said, bowing down, pretending to understand the man, so he could just get over it.

He looked at you, scowling.

His right eye twitched.

You gulped at the man, afraid you futher infuriated him, and were about to get another monologue about how you were weak and yada, yada, yada...

But to your surprise, the man's expression began to falter.

"Huh-?" You thought out loud.

He let out a sniffle, then another one, before he began full-on sobbing, a very concerning amount of tears flowing down his face, as he brought a hand to his eyes, trying to wipe it away.

"E-eh...?" You let out, in your defensive stance.

Sure, you had been asleep for thousand-something years, and weren't exactly caught up with the trends, but-

Was this normal-?

Kars paused mid-threatening Lisa-Lisa, to bring his attention towards the oh so familiar scene.

He let out a sigh, and continued his threats.

Wamuu noticed this whilst dodging the attacks thrown at him with ease.

"Er- dude, you okay?" You asked, creeping closer towards the weeping man.

"I- I'm deeply touched! I..." The man said, in between sobs.

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