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"Michael, get up you lazy ass! you're gonna be late for work again!" Luke yelled from the kitchen as he finished his coffee. He heard a grumble from across the hallway.

"Don't yell so damn early in the morning. Jeez, what's your problem?" Grumbled Michael as he walked into the kitchen, only to stop and look with a frown. He noticed dirty dishes in the sink, which meant Luke already had breakfast, without him.

"What's this, no breakfast for me?" he asked as he moved to stand in front of his husband, who instead looked at his phone the whole time.

"You wouldn't get up so I ate without you, and since you've become a little spoiled lately, I figured you could make your own breakfast." Luke said casually as he glanced at Michael once then went back to looking at his phone.

"Oh come on, babe. You know I can't boil water for my tea, let alone cook for myself." whined Michael, which didn't do him any good as Luke only stepped around him and walked out of the kitchen. Michael stood there for a few seconds before following the blonde.

He saw Luke take his keys and jacket, as well as a few binders filled with papers, eyes glued to the phone and opened the front door. He quickly put his shoes on and turned to talk to Michael.

"I got a call for work, said Ashton called in sick so I'll be covering for him. I'll be home late, don't wait for me. Bye." and with that he walked out, closing the door a little too loudly, leaving Michael there dumbfounded.

Luke has been acting very strange for some time now. He no more gave Michael sweet kisses and hugs, and didn't cuddle him when they went to bed. He didn't even give Michael a kiss goodbye, which he used to always do. But, he changed and Michael is worried that something is wrong, but is also angry. Angry at the blonde for hiding something from him, and Michael always had a short temper. Which usually led to fights, but they were never anything big. Until recently, when he would blow up at stupid things. And Luke, instead of calming him down like he usually would, would get angry as well, which would lead to a lot of yelling and insults being thrown.

Michael snapped out of his thoughts and quickly got ready for work, skipping breakfast because he didn't have time and didn't want to burn the house down with his cooking. Also, he didn't want to be late, which has been happening a lot the past few weeks.

When he was dressed he quickly took his phone, keys and wallet and practically jumped into the car, almost forgetting to lock the house on his way out.

He was late again.

Hiya so this is something I've been wanting to write for some time now. It's my first 5sos fanfic and the first story I'm posting on wattpad so I'm waiting to see how this will go.

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