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careful who you're talking to,i'm on fire, babyi'm on fire !

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careful who you're talking to,
i'm on fire, baby
i'm on fire !

The blonde girl's boots clicked against the paved street, her eyes heavy with tiredness. Her shift had ended at 10:00, yet she still wasn't home and it was 10:45. The nightclub was only a twenty minute walk from her apartment, so why had it taken her so long to get back home. She had a soft smile on her face, remembering some of the cheery faces from the night. As her phone lit up in her hand, a smile faded from her face as she ignored the notification.

The young girl craved attention, and recently, she hadn't had any of that. Perhaps it was a consequence of being abandoned by your mother at sixteen, but who knows. She wanted every ounce of spotlight she could get, and it was her least favourite trait about herself. This was not the girl Aurelia Maria Abbott wanted to be. She wanted to be a movie star, the biggest of them all. She wanted her name spread on billboards and on posters, plastered on walls and to be praised by the likes of Hollywood.

Rory's bestfriend, Kristine, was her biggest supporter. The girl was always pushing the blonde to go to auditions, knowing the talent she hid behind a mask. But Aurelia never listened.

Instead, the blonde decided to take a job at a club not too far from her apartment, tending to the daily drinkers and partiers. Although she hated the job, it was her only way of earning money to make a living. With her monthly rent costing more than she had imagined, she would work from the second the Jazz Blues would open, to the ungodly hours of the morning. Her head would ring as she wandered the streets of Melbourne, the music still blasting in her ears. But as soon as she got home, she would collapse onto her bed and let her dreams take over.

Once she had unlocked the door, she pulled out her laptop from under her bed and made sure to lock the door behind her. Skipping through the majority of the movies on her screen, occasionally watching the preview to see if she would enjoy it or not. Ultimately, she ended up watching The Notebook, admiring Allie's love for Noah.

She didn't want one of those lustful relationships, she wanted real love. Her past relationships had shattered her, enabling her to tell herself to never fall in love at eighteen. It never ends well. When she got too close to the boy, he broke her, tearing her into a million pieces. Maybe she was unworthy of love, the question lingered in her mind consistently.

And once again, she found herself asking that same question. Surrounded by blankets and garbage, Aurelia shuffled through her pile of clothes as she made her way to the kitchen. Whilst the radio played the melodies of Elvis Presley through her apartment, she let herself loose. Her body swaying to his voice as she hummed the lyrics softly to herself.

She sat on the countertop, devouring a tub of ice-cream and scrolled through her socials. She wiped her bloodshot eyes, a result of no sleep the night before. Pictures of her friends on vacation and with their boyfriends filled her feed. She wanted everything they had. Jealousy laced through her veins, she was riddled with it.

Wrapping herself back into a closed book, she let the movie play as she dried her teary eyes. The same routine, every single night. She would go home, get into bed, and watch movies whilst crying until she fell asleep. It was unhealthy, but she knew. She just didn't care enough to help herself.

Rory wanted the movie love, as they lit up her room that was encased by darkness. She wanted to be loved the way Romeo loved Juliet, but she didn't want anyone to interrupt that. She hated it when people would get involved in her love life, just like she hated the way people spoke throughout movies. It itched her brain in an awful way.

And that's when it hit her. Aurelia had to changed her life around, she had to go to an audition. She didn't care what it was for but all she knew was that she wanted to make her dream become a reality. And yes, she knew the consequences, but she was willing to take the risk. After all, it was her dream, right?

love me tender, love me true. . .
tell me you are mine.

i'm sorry for the wait, angels

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i'm sorry for the wait, angels.
and i'm also sorry for such a short
chapter, but i wanted this chapter to
be solely focused on aurelia and her current
life. as you can tell, she isn't doing very
well at the moment, but trust me,
she'll meet someone soon who is
going to change that. i hope this was
good enough for you guys, ily <3
all my love, eve !

© 2022 — all my dreams fulfilled
austin butler !

BURNING LOVE, austin butlerWhere stories live. Discover now