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The other woman will Always cry herself to sleepThe other woman will Never have his love to keep

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The other woman will
Always cry herself to sleep
The other woman will
Never have his love to keep.


Aurelia's legs were tossed over his, the his belonging to someone else. Aurelia had met Dylan Young at an acting class, she had met him in the midst of a vulnerable chapter. The pair would spend weekends on dates and watching every movie under the sun, but what Rory didn't realise was that she was slowly falling in love with this boy.

She became immersed in him. The way his soft, brown curls fell just under his eyebrows, the way his honey glazed eyes glistened in the sunlight, the way his lips planted delicate kisses across her skin. Yet Aurelia failed to see the warnings, she ignored her friends telling her that he was 'weird' or 'sneaky' because she believed that he was busy with work. But Dylan had other things in mind, other women in mind.

You see, when Dylan would say he was 'busy' he would really be at the club, getting too high to even remember who had fucked the night before. The girl he left at home each night would sit on her couch, gnawing at the skin around her nails wondering what ungodly time her boyfriend would arrive home that night.

Rory's blonde hair was tied away from her face, allowing herself to relax her mind. She felt the coldness of the ice cream melt into her mouth, watching Gentlemen Prefer Blondes was one of her escapes at the moment. The other way of filling the empty void in her heart being the feeling she received when she was with Dylan.

It was a feeling she was unaware that she was capable of, but she couldn't quite describe it. It felt like she was addicted to it, she was intoxicated. But she enjoyed it. The thrill it provided her with was exciting, and if that was ripped from the seams she would spiral.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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