Should I stay or Should I Go?

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*Jiyoon's P.O.V*

I woke up to the smell of food. I opened my eyes and got out of bed, leaving the bedroom and heading out toward the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Chanyoung cooking something. I walked up and snaked my arms around his waist resting my head on his back.

"Oh hi princess, I'm making some homemade fried chicken. I know it's your favorite and I thought me making it personally would be better."

I smiled at his response and moved next to him, "That's sweet baby, thank you so much. This means a lot to me," I said leaning up and kissing his cheek.

"Go relax in the living room, it should be done in a couple of minutes. I'll bring it out when it's done," he said kissing my forehead.

"Can I wear one of your jackets?"

"Of course, go ahead," he replied with a smile. 

I giggled and ran to our room and went through our closet stealing one of my favorites and changing my outfit into something else.

I grabbed my phone before leaving the room and walked out to the living room, plopping down on the couch curling up in his jacket

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I grabbed my phone before leaving the room and walked out to the living room, plopping down on the couch curling up in his jacket.

After some time, Chanyoung walked in with two plates of chicken before leaving the room again making me confused until he came back out with shot glasses and some soju.

"I hope it's good, I tried really hard for you."

I smiled and took a bite, I smiled at him at how good it was.

"This is amazing, you should make this more!"

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Only the best for my girl," I said before he started to eat.

I smiled and looked over at him before continuing to eat. We ate in silence making slight conversation here and there. This honestly made me feel better after what happened during dance practice today.

"Thank you so much for this Channie, this has made me feel so much better about everything and I'm glad I can come to you when something is going on in my life."

"Of course princess. I can't stand seeing you put in this position, you have done nothing wrong and it all goes into the responsibility of Kyubin. He has crossed the line by a couple of yards, I personally think you should tell the company if you truly want to leave the group. I just don't want you to make a decision that you will regret."

"I know, I just doubt he is going to change anything between us and it is only going to get worse if he doesn't grow the fuck up and take responsibility for his actions. If I go tomorrow, would you come with me? I don't think I can handle it alone."

"Yes, of course, I will be there for you. I don't have any schedules tomorrow so I will be free to come with you. Now, let's continue eating dinner and then relax for a while before going to bed."

*Time Skip*

The two of us had finished eating and Chan was currently doing the dishes. I mentioned that I would do them since he cooked, but he wouldn't let me and told me to wait in the bedroom for him to get done.

I scrolled through the photos of the two of us, which made me smile. As I continued to scroll I saw a photo of Kyubin and me. It made me a little sad seeing our friendship break after so long of knowing each other.

Was I really going to be making the right decision? I don't think I can mentally stand being in the same group as him when he just disrespects me the whole time, but I also don't want to let the others down. I know they would understand, but I don't want them to feel hurt.

I didn't notice Chanyoung until I felt him crawl on the bed and hug me as he laid down next to me.

"Hey, what's wrong? you seem sad," he said caressing my face with his hand.

"I'm not sure if I'm making the right decisions, I just don't want to hurt my members because of everything that is going on. I know that they would be understanding but I don't want to create more tension than there already is."

"I'm sure whatever decision you make, your members will support you. Unless you just went on hiatus to give yourself some more time to think about it."

I nodded and looked into his eyes.

"I think I will ask to be put on hiatus for now and then go from there," I replied.

He smiled and played with my hair the two of us cuddled in silence until I felt kisses on my neck.

"Channie, I don't want hickeys at the moment."

"I wasn't going to leave any, I just wanted to leave small kisses," he said before he went back to placing small kisses around.

"You make me feel safe," I said randomly at the moment.

He stopped what he was doing and looked up at me with a smile.

"I'm glad, you make me feel safe too. I will always be here no matter what. Nothing can make me leave you."

I adjusted and nuzzled my face into his neck.

"Are you feeling hot in my jacket?" he asked.

I shook my head no, "I'm okay, plus I feel comfortable wearing it."

"Ok sweetheart, do you want to get ready for bed?" he asked as he played with my hair.

I nodded. He got up off the bed and changed, placing his dirty clothes in the hamper.

I smiled as I watched him climb onto the bed and lay down next to me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I love you, Yoon, just know that I will always be here for every decision you make. I'm always going to support you every step of the way."

"Thank you Channie, I love you too," I replied leaving a kiss on his cheek."

"Let's get some sleep sweetheart, you have a long day ahead of you and I want you to be well rested for your meeting."

I nodded and cuddled up closer to him, closing my eyes before drifting off to sleep.

Words: 1036

Date: October 3, 2022

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