One-Year Ann. Surprise

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[February 14th, 2023]

*Jiyoon's P.O.V*

I was currently at the Astro dorm in Eunwoo's room as the two of us cuddled.

The two of us have almost been together for about a year. We got together on February 16th of 2022.

In two days it was going to be our one year, which honestly felt weird. It hasn't felt like we have been dating that long, so my concept of time has been non-existent.

"Hey, baby..." Eunwoo spoke up.

"Yes, Woo?" I said turning to look over at him.

"What do you want to do for our one year?" he asked looking into my eyes.

"I want to do something simple like I don't want to go out anywhere fancy... I just want to have a meal alone together and relax together. But, I honestly don't care what we do as long as it's spending time with you."

I looked back at him to see a smile on his face.

"W-what?" I asked looking at him.

"You're so cute," he said laughing and placing a hand on my cheek.

"I love you, Woo," I said placing a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you too Yoon," he said back placing a kiss on my nose.

Despite the two of us dating for a year, we've never actually kissed on the lips before. Eunwoo said he wanted to wait for the perfect moment to do so, I wasn't going to argue because I wanted to make sure he was comfortable.

"I won't be able to see you for the next two days. On our anniversary, I'll be available around 8 O'clock, but until then I have some filming to get done," Eunwoo said.

"That's ok Woo. I think I have some things to get done anyway, so I don't mind," I replied with a smile.

"God, I love you so much, you know that? You are so beautiful and perfect..." he said looking at me with the most admiration.

"I love you too Woo, do you want me to sleep over tonight?" I asked.

"Can you?" he asked.

"Of course," I said giggling.

*Two Days later*

Yesterday Eunwoo told me to get dressed in something cute and come over to their dorm as he had planned something for our anniversary.

I took a quick shower and searched through my closet and picked out something to wear.

I took a quick shower and searched through my closet and picked out something to wear

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Once I finished getting ready, I made my way to my car and headed to Astro's dorm. During the drive, I started to think if what I was wearing was ok.

I mean Eunwoo is the one that bought me this dress, so I figured that he would like to see me finally wear it.

But it might be too much for what he was planning in his head... What did he plan? Are we doing something in the dorm? Are we going to a fancy restaurant? Or are we doing something simple?

I got a little too into my head that I didn't even realize I was almost to the dorm. 

Did I stop at that stop sign a while back? I thought to myself as I drove across an intersection... I swear that light was red.

I looked into my review mirror and saw that the lights were green... I could have sworn that it was red.

I also don't remember most of the drive, I'm shocked that I'm in one piece because I don't even remember looking or focusing on the road.

Suddenly I slammed on my breaks as someone used their turn signals last minute.

"Everyone is so excited about the new iPhone, but no one has caught up with the awesome technology of using your blinkers when you drive. Fucking dumbass people," I said to myself.

As I got behind another car we started to go 10 miles under the speed limit, it was like this for 4 minutes when I lost my mind.

"Why the HELL are we not even going the speed limit? WHY???" I yelled.

Suddenly I got a call from the group chat.

[Phone call]

Jiyoon: Hey, guys I'm driving by the way.

I.N: Oh, ok. Guys, do you want to plan a day where we hang out?

Romin: Yeah, that so-

Jiyoon:  What the fuck are you doing? What... in the fuck are you doing?

YeChan: Are you ok?

Jiyoon: Listen I'm going to need people to stop saying they're smart because they have a college degree. Like there are people with their driver's licenses who can't drive shit!

The boys: (Laughing)

Mashiho: Jiyoon calm down.

Jiyoon: Maybe if I ride up their ass they will drive faster... guys I need to go I'll talk to you later.

[End of Call]

Once I got there I knocked on the door and it was opened to reveal Eunwoo in black dress pants and a white button-down shirt.

"Come in beautiful," he said.

I walked inside and took my shoes off at the door.

"You look so beautiful Yoon," Eunwoo said moving his hands to my waist and kissing my forehead.

"Thanks, Woo, you look handsome as always."

He smiled and led me to the table that was set up with a romantic dinner and music was playing quietly in the background.

Eunwoo pulled out my seat and pushed it in as I sat down and he went over and sat on the seat across from me.

"You should know that if we have a date at home I'm going to make it as romantic as possible," he said looking up at me.

The two of us ate our food and talked about random things. For the past two days, we haven't seen each other as we both had been busy with our own things. 

It felt nice being with him again even though we saw each other three days ago. 

"So beautiful, are you working on any music?" Eunwoo asked.

"Yeah, I thought about some song ideas... I just never put it to music or paper," I responded.

After a while, we finished eating our food and Eunwoo went straight to cleaning up and doing the dishes.

"Hey love, can you grab my phone from my bedroom? I want to show you something I found the other day," he asked looking at me as he continued to wash the dishes.

I nodded and made my way to his bedroom. When I opened the door I was shocked at what I found inside.

Words: 1039

Date: January 22, 2023

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