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the next morning

robin got ready in his usual kind of clothes, a sleeveless shirt and jeans with his bandana. he brought an extra one just in case too

"i'm leaving, love you mama"

"be careful, do you want me to drive you? or walk you? please be safe this time"

"i'll be okay, it was my fault for talking to a stranger last time..."

he left quickly before she could protest any more and ran to school, he had shoved an oversized hoodie in his bag so he could hide his face and body on the way. after all, it was meant to be a surprise.

when he arrived at school, people looked at him weirdly, he didn't care though. some made fun of the hood covering his face but he couldn't risk being seen right now, not before finney could see.

speaking of the devil, he saw the boy speed walking through everyone who was talking about him. robin followed along quietly, not really being noticed. he watched finney go into the bathroom and went in behind him a minute after, taking off the hoodie and shoving it back in his bag which had no books.

"hey finn, what's happening"

After they reunited

robin pulled away from the hug after what felt like quite a while, and just stared at finns face. he looked so relieved.

"do you think.. the others will come back too?"

"finn i'm not sure. none of them moved from their grave when i did, so i wouldn't know.. i don't think so. it's already weird enough that i did, it's like a miracle or something cheesy like that."

finney chuckled, making robin smile. still the same boy as ever

"i brought you something, you deserve it."

he reached into his bag and brought out a blue bandana, to match the red one he was wearing.

"here. you're the first person i've given a bandana to, the first person i've even let touch one. be honoured"

"wow.. thank you robin. does this mean i'm a knight now?"

they laughed a little and then just stared at eachother, not awkwardly.

"here, i'll tie it for you"

he positioned himself and finney in front of the mirror so he could see what he was doing from behind, and tied it nicely, like his own.

"it looks funny on me, my hair isn't calm enough for it" finney tried sticking some hairs above it, but it just didn't work.

"maybe put it on your wrist then, i'll do the same"

"you don't have to, it looks good on you like that"

robin thought quickly.

"what if i put your hair up with it?.." robin suggested, his face heating up at the thought of his hair like that.


he stood behind finney again and tied a chunk of his hair into a ponytail, securing it with the bandana.

"what do you think?"

finney looked in the mirror, he didn't really like it.. but also didn't want to bother robin.

"it's great! thanks robin"

"alright, let's get you to class or whatever you're doing" robin looked away, feeling his face go slightly red at the boy in front of him.

"don't you have classes too? or are you off for a bit because of what happened"

"i'm off for a week, but if you're going to classes i'll walk you to them then go home."

finney thought for a minute. he didn't want to go to classes and face everyone, but he didn't want robin to go away. it was like holding onto something that might disappear with robin..

"yknow what, let's skip school today. i'll tell my dad i changed my mind and we can go out to a park or something"


they stepped out of the bathroom, earning shocked looks from everyone. finneys bullies looks of laughter turned to terror when they saw robin arellano and finney blake walking out together, the now toughest guys in school. they knew finney and robin hated them, so they moved out of the way when they came down the hall.

everyone went silent, apart from the few whispers.

"isn't that robin arellano? the kid who got taken?"

"i heard he came back from the dead from my dad, he's friends with the guy who found him"

"bullshit, that's impossible. he probably just hid"

"there's finney blake with him.. he killed the creep"

"he's not really dead idiot, they put him in hospital"

finney ignored them all, continuing to walk with robin out of school.  their rumours were all wrong anyway.

once they got out of the building and away from everyone, they slowed down and relaxed a bit.

"will you ever tell them what actually happened? yknow, just to stop the rumours."

robin looked over at finney, who was already looking at him.

"maybe. i'll probably have to, it's not news that goes away easily so.. there's not much i can do"

robin bummed in response and looked back in front of him. the park wasn't that far away, but he still stuck close to finney... just incase...

they reached the park and sat on swings together, they always picked the same one. finney on the left, robin on the right, without fail every time.

"do you remember much from what happened when you.. died?"

finney finally asked the question that had been itching his mind since he saw robin again.

"yup. i remember all of it. the pain of being stabbed to death.."

he was about to continue when he remembered what his mother had said this morning.

"finn. oh shit, shit shit shit"

he panicked, getting off the swing and looking at finney seriously. more seriously than he had ever seen robin

"what's wrong? are you okay?"

finney also stood up putting his hands on robins shoulders.

"my mama.. we were in hospital yesterday and she said the grabber bastard is in there too. he's not dead finney."

"what.. the fuck. are you absolutely sure.. it wasn't one of the kids? it was definitely him.."

"yes i'm sure."

"we need to check if he's still there. i'm not letting him get away with what he put you through"

he grabbed robins hand and started sprinting to the hospital, it wasn't to far away but it was definitely a run.

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