"Dreamer" by Axwell /\ Ingrosso

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Not me trying really hard not to make Rhea a main character, nope.

Also, there are a lot of POV switches and many of the lyrics I put in the background like in Eva's Admin Rebellion

Stress' POV

Gem and I were sitting across from a pacing Xisuma.

"Vexes and Watchers, both in Hermitcraft, both wanting the Hermitcraft server," Xisuma said, on the verge of hyperventilating.

Heavy on your heart.

Heavy on your mind.

"Calm down," I tried

"How can I be calm when our server's being invaded?" Xisuma said, trying his best not to shout.

Rhea's POV

"What did you call her me for?" I asked the High Evoker.

"You have your job back," he replied. "And I have a mission for you already."

Grian's POV

So, how come I'm not in a prison with Xultor taunting me? I ask Pearl.

I'm not sure, she replied. All I know is that there was a bunch of Vex magic, so either Cub or Scar saved you.

Cub's POV

I sat across from my interviewer. It was a small room. Two chairs on either side of a table. The slate gray tile on the wall was lit by a single soul flame lantern on the corner of the table. I drummed my fingers on the cold steel arm of my cushion-less chair, hoping they wouldn't dare to hurt Scar.

"There will be no tourture if you answer the questions honestly."

"Trust me, I know how this works," I sigh. This isn't the first time I've been interrogated, and it certainly won't be the last.

Wandering the streets tonight.

Pearl's POV

Grian's base! I gasped. Even though Grian was hiding underground in a secret location with the rest of the Hermits, I still didn't enjoy it.

While Xultor was making me destroy Grian's base, I spotted a Vexling I didn't recognize. When she walked up to me Xultor stopped controlling me.

"A traitor, are ya, destroying your 'friends' bases." she tsked

"I was being mind controled! Don't you know that powerful Watchers can mind control other Watchers?" I said.

"Yeah, sure."

Stress' POV

"If you're looking for a home, you are not alone. I can be your guiding line," Gem offered to Xisuma. He didn't look that convinced.

"Please, Xisuma, you need help."

'Cause I promise you

I'm a dreamer too

Grian's POV

Pearl? Pearl? PEARL? I shouted in her mind.

I-I'm alive, she said weakly

Heavy on my heart

I'm gonna go look for you, I said, knowing she can't hear me anymore.

"Hey Mumbo, Pearl's in trouble, do you want to go help me find her?"

"How do you know?" Mumbo asked.

"Uh, you know how Xultor can talk in our minds?" I began. "Pearl and I figured out how to do that."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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